Sunday, November 19, 2006

Share Your Story

Have you visited the Crucible of War website or seen our documentary film and now want to share your own Balkan story with others? Whether you are currently or formerly from any of the countries or territories of what was once Yugoslavia, this is the place to let your thoughts flow. Current and former members of the international community who have worked or served in the region are also welcome to share your own experiences.

We have a few groundrules:

1) You can post in any language, but please be aware that most of our readers understand English. While we spent the first year of this project, translating all comments into English, we no longer can afford the time or expense.

2) Different viewpoints are welcome here, but please don't mistake us allowing these viewpoints on our website for us condoning these opinions. The opinions belong to those individuals and not to the Crucible of War team.

3) We reserve the right to remove any postings which contain irrelevant comments, advertising, obscenity, or are one line nationalistic rantings. Please remember that many of the people who read these pages are not necessarily familiar with the region and are visiting the site to understand more. If you have strong political viewpoints, why not explain your personal experiences which are behind them?

Oh, and if you are wondering why the first 337 posts were made anonymously on November 19 and 25, 2006, they weren't. Those are the dates we converted from our outdated feedback pages on our website to a blogging program. Unfortunately we could not migrate the posting dates over, but those posts were made between 2000 and 2006.


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Anonymous said...

After I ended my career as an active soldier, I worked for various international organizations all over the Balkan peninsula. What I always missed was a RESULT. We did something, but it was mainly producing another paper...nothing realy helpful for the people down there.  But from the very start of my duty in the Balkans I always know it was a life-changing experience for me. In 2000, I got married to a so-called Yugoslav (Mother Serb, Father Croat).  So you see - even Int'ls sometimes have their "Balkan story"!

Anonymous said...

Hello, My name is Bryan Bailey. I was stationed in BRCKO while the first Elections in Brcko were taking place. Our mission was to Guard the Bridge and Patrol the city. That was just a small part of our mission. I am writing because I had the oppurtunity to actually be part of the Ballot guarding downtown. I saw the picture of Dejan Bosnjak on the website and immediately remembered his face. We had the chance to go to Serejavo with him and some of the other people working there. I have been watching what has been going on there in Brcko, and hopeing that some of the people that I had a chance to meet were dong O.K. I could go on about my experience there but I will wait until I gather mmy thoughts. If at all possible I would like to send a hello message to my friend Dejan. I am sure that he will remember the U2 concert and the two U.S. soldiers that went there with.

Anonymous said...

Hi. My name is Bob Istahgf. I was an aid officer of the coast of Yougoslave. All the bloodshed. Terrible!

Anonymous said...

i was in kosovo war? the serbian army told me to leave my country otherwise they will kill me, so i went to macedonia,half of my family was back in kosovo, they said that they don't wanna leave our country, they said that if they get killed they don't care they want to live in their country because kosovo is albanian country not serbian..i saw a lot of albanian people that got killed.. some of them were olderly some of them children... this is my story...
Albo - ferizaj, kosovo

Anonymous said...

Just to clarify a glaring misconception of this report because I am from Sarajevo and lived there through its war years. The Bosnian war was NOT a civil war, that assumption could not be further from the truth. It was ethnic cleansing and genocide. The Serbs had the weapons, the Bosnians did not; it was clearly an agression from the Serb side...that brought about much torture, suffering, pain, rapes...the collapse of all human standards.
-- One of that many Sarajevans who had to leave her home!

Anonymous said...

Hello. First of all I just want to tell you that Croatia isn't in the Balkans. Croatia was and is still today a middle european country. The culture of Croatia is middle european and mediterranian. You can also say that Germany or the Czech Republic are in the Balkans but they aren't like Croatia. And please don't tell stories about things like only Slobodan Milosevic and the yug. army is responsible for the wars in Slovenia,Croatia and in Bosnia-Hercegovina. Everybody who has dreamed about a Great Serbia is responsible for the massacres on the croatian and bosnian civilization. Remember the cities of Vukovar, Dubrovnik and Srebrenica. The greatest tragedies in Europe since the 2. WW. You can't compare the exodus of the Krajina serbs with the sufferings of Croats and the Bosnians. Nobody has banished the serbs they could stay at home but they knew that many of them had approved the bloody establishing of a Great Serbia,so they had been frightened.But when they left their homes (long before the croatian army arrived) they had taken everything with them and on their way to Serbia the croat forces had supplied them with food. The exodus of the Croats has been completely different. After the conquest of Vukovar the man and boys had been brought into serbian concentration camps from where just few get out but not before one year. The patients of the Vukovarer hospital(300) had been cruely killed on a field. And the children their mothers and the older people had left their hometown without anything and serbian tanks drove behind them to make them affraid. You can see that there are many differences and please don't mix the destinies of different people so much. Help the truth to come out. God bless you.

Ivan in Germany

Anonymous said...

spent this last summer, 2002 in Sarajevo, Bosnia. I was able to aquire some very wonderful digital film equipment with hopes of shooting a documentary type film of life in Bosnia several years after the war. My experience was life changing, and I have just not begun to sift through and edit the 36 hours of footage we captured. Most of our film is of the family of 4 we lived with during the summer. They lived in Sarajevo during the entire war, and Zijo fought for his country. I am investigating ways to get my footage into the hands of those who might use it well. I would like to know more of your project. Thank you, Lana Dorazio 623-979-4382 p.s. We are about to have a young student from Brcko, Bosnia come and live with us until June 2003. I am hoping he will help us with translation. He might be of some help to your project as well.

Anonymous said...

hey my name is Sabrina and i was in the war too and i saw everythin the blood and guns and a lot more nasty things going on i just couldnt sstand it i dont like watchin at war whats happenin really! i think we should never have war again i think we should live peaceful and supreme~ by tha way IM BOSNIAN

--Sabrina, Barre, Vermont

Anonymous said...

Hello, My name is Alexis, I was born in Gradiska, Bosnia Herzegovina.I have been through a war,and lost half my family in the British led NATO attacks while we were on a trip to Yugoslavia,I was just a child,I would never want anyone to see what I saw and go through what I went through,it was like living hell, everything that was essential to life was rationed,there was never electricity, I always woke up wondering if it would be my last day alive. My father stayed to fight in the war,my mother and I came to the United States.Almost nine years to the day,I'm glad it's over and all of the hate of our diversity is replaced with acceptance.I am going to attend university soon studying aerospace engineering and do something for my country by becoming the first Bosnian-American astronaut.

--Alexis, Florida, USA

Anonymous said...

I'm Vlora.  I'm from Kosovo. 19 years old.  I was there during the war in Kosovo Ferizaj.  It was very dangerous. So many people died in my country.  It is a really sad story to tell.  Many children died for no reasen.  Many women and many more.  I just want to say that I'm very happy to be alive.  I lost many friends and many family.  I was only 15 years old in 1999.  I just hated to lose many friends.  It is really hard to believe that happened.  I saw many dead people and many dead cows and everything else.  Why do the Serbians hate us so much?   Why us?

Anonymous said...

I'm Kosovar.  I live and I go to college in the USA right now, but I have been through the war in Kosova(o),and I have a great story (5 pages long).  If anyone needs it for school or just to read please send me a e-mail.  Thank you,
Muja - Boise, Idaho, USA (Kosovo)
Email: albomuja AT

Anonymous said...

Hi. I am Arta.  I have lived in England for 12 years now.  I left my country Kosova when I was only 3. I wasn't in my home country for 11 years and this last summer I went there...I don't know how to describe it...It was a dream come true for me and my family.  I had sooo much fun and can't wait to go back this year...I am really proud of my nation and country...Looking at Kosova now, it's wicked.  It's like in England but better...I haven't lost anyone in the war.  We still have our house there and everyone in our family. Ej pershendetje krejtve shqiptarve kudo qe jan......une jam nga Ferizaji i bukur.......ika.  Bye.  Take care people. 

Arta, Ferizaj, Kosova/London, England

Anonymous said...

une quhem shkurte karaliu jetoj ne ferizaj fshatin pleshin jetoj ne amerik per 3 vitesh me mungon kosova e lire.
--SHKURTE KARALIU, ferizaj pleshin jetoj ne dallas texas

Anonymous said...

Hello, im vanessa 15years old and iam searching for my dad, all informations i have are in my homepage. Please take a minute and read it, maybe you can help me! Here is my homepage: ....And here is my e-mail:

Anonymous said...

Mesage for Ivan (Croat from Germany). Croatia is part of Balcans and you can not do anything to change that. You said the worstest things for Serbs and who are the Croats? I can not let you to lie and to present Croats like saints. Croats were in both WW on side of agressors. Serbs were fighting for free Croatia when you were deep in Hitler's SS killing serbian babies. Then camed 1990. and Serbs are guiltty for all but I don't think that it is true. Tensions betwan Yugoslav nations were coming from all sides. Serbs were fighting for their land, for land were they lived for hundreads years. Croats made ethnical cleaning 1995. and nobady said a word. That is not a justice but what do you know about justice. WE had a wrong man on leading position. That is the true, he didn't help serbs intrests, he helped your intrests with his confused policy. Now He is in Hague and we are on the right way to save ouer national intrests with smurt policy. I da ti kažem još nešto, mi smo se možda zajebali što nismo stvar izveli do kraja i pametno uz podršku Zapada. Tito vam je dao mnogo više nego što zaslužujete i to dobro znate. Moram vam priznati da nisam video vece ulizice i uvlakace od Hrvata. Uvlacili ste se svima dok smo mi ginuli za ''bratstvo i jedinstvo'', ali tome je došao kraj. Od sada strogo oprezno sa vama, necete vi nas više magarciti. Možda cemo se i dobro slagati, ko to zna, ali nikada više ''blisko'' kao pre. I da, Hrvatska je na Balkanu, baš šteta zar ne. (Nemam svoj E-mail pa sam ti se obratio ovim putem)
--Branco, Serbia

Anonymous said...

I was raped by 2 Albanian soldiers when I was 12 years old.  I had to say that but I won't tell you the details because it is to painful to talk about it.  Albanians burnt our house down when my father and my little brother were asleep.  They made me and my mother leave Kosovo...We didn't have anything...Nothing was left from our house and we were alone - almost all of our friends and family were dead. When we came to Belgrade, together with 10,000 other Serbs - we had to live in a 2 room apartment with 10 other people.  I haven't been to Kosovo since.  Now there are only Albanians there and it is not safe for a Serbian girl like me to show up there.  My mother is a translator who speaks 5 languages and she got a job in Sweden.  Now we live here and I don't like it.  It is cold and dark..I just want to come back home to Pristina.   Not Pristina now but Pristina back in the old days.  Albanian terrorists freed Pristina.  They destroyed my life..I'm 15 now and it never got better.  I hardly go out because I'm afraid.  I don't want to go through the same thing again.   There hasn't been one day that's gone by that I don't think of it.  Of my little brother and my father and all the things those pigs did to us.  Don't get me wrong..I don't hate all of them.  I have some Albanian friends here.  They are nice. Only thing I regret is that I left Kosovo because that is MY country.  KOSOVO is SERBIAN and KOSOVO needed us to stay but we left.  We had no choice - all those bombings and burnt houses and dead people...It was not worth it!!!!!!  Why couldn't they leave us alone and just go back to their own litle country if they didn't like it in Kosovo?  Why are they attacking Makedonia?  They want a bigger country and those Jews in the American government support them because they want to prove that they don't have anything against the Muslims!  Why do they show a dead Albanian girl on TV and say that Serbs are terrorists?  Kosovo has always been Serbian and we can't be terrorists in our own country?  Why didn't I go and tell them my story?  And there are a million stories like this - even worse but noone cares about us!!!  I know the truth and iIdon't like the truth.  That's why i don't go telling everybody that 2 Albanian animals raped me and than beat me up when I was 12.  Or that they set my 2 year old  brother on fire, killed my father, burnt our house, made me leave my home.  I don't go telling this and humiliating myself on the news or newspapers.   I never will because even if it looks like I am a victim, I'm not.  I'm the bigger person and I have dignity and my pride.  I will survive.  For the rest of you - don't trust in what you read or see on TV!  It isn't true.  I have been there and I know.

Anonymous said...

I'm a member of the Belgian military, and in that function I had some assignments with the UN. I had 3 missions (1993, 1995 and 1996) in the region Vukovar. My first meeting with Vukovar made me speechless, I was shocked by the destruction that the war had brought, the city looked like a ghost town. When at dusk I saw fires and lights in the ruins I realized people still lived in this city. I shall never forget this image. I admire the people of Vukovar for their perseverance and the effort they made to create livable houses out of the ruins. I was shocked to see the people, not having enough money or at all, having to do barter trade. Farmers let their houses be repaired for a pig, bread was swapped for chickens or ducks. People who had money could get anything on the black market. Money was losing its value everyday and dollars or "Deutsche Marken" were in high demand as they retained their value. Everyone tried to get some money by selling items (stolen or not). The average month income for a laborer was, in 1993, 25 DM. Criminality was blooming. Theft, smuggling and fraud were everyday occurrences. The population was mostly hospitable and shared all they had, even with us, the military of UNPROFOR. The people were very creative and tried to restore everything, even with parts from different machines or recuperated materials. Even with all the sorrow and misery these people had known, they tried to work on their future. They married, had children, tried to get a roof on over their heads. Traditions were honored and regularly there was a party or celebration. I noticed upon my later missions to Vukovar, that standards of living were improving and the economy was recovering. Houses were repaired, cars were driving about and people where wearing better clothes. Seeing the images of Vukovar, I'm glad the black period that started in '91 is (finally) over and people are living in peace once again. I'll always remember VUKOVAR.
--François BROCKX - Mol, Belgium

Anonymous said...

Hi, My name is Igor and I live in Smederevo, Serbia. My intention is not to bother you all with those terrible war stories, because I think that all responsible people shold talk about that and not innocent people. I just wanted to tell you something about my city, one of the greatest in Serbian history. It was built in 1430 by the last Serbian ruler Despot George (Djuradj) Brankovic, son of Vuk Brankovic. Many legends have been told about how the city was built. Many curses thrown by simple people. But the facts tells us different story. Here is one of the legends: When the Ottoman Empire conquered Byzantine, Despotine Irene told her husband Djuradj to find a suitable place for a new capital. When he asked how should he do that, she simply explained: "Follow the wild ducks. Whereever they settle, build the city". Smederevo was built just like Constantinople. High walls and 24 towers surrounding, protected by two rivers, Jezava and Danube.   Smederevo was invincible. The only thing that could make Smederevo fall was betrayal. Not even St. Lucas the Evangelist could help. The Despot brought his bones to Smederevo intending to raise faith in Serbs, but unsuccesfuly. After that, Turks took all of the Serbian territory (just for information, today's Kosovo territory was called "The Old Serbia" because that was the first Serbian land). So, if anyone says that Serbs occupied Kosovo, I just want to remind them to take a couple of historical books which describe the medieval Balkans and read, but carefully. If anyone is interested, write to me. Thanks
--Igor, Smederevo, Serbia

Anonymous said...

It has been more than ten years since the first breeze of horror swapped away the Balkan Territory but the carcass stubbornly remains obvious through the eyes of the innocent and the guilty. Oh those eyes are the inevitable doors to the silent souls of so many victims. Perhaps, one should take time to accuse the guilty of bringing such turmoil and sorrow into so many innocent hearts? But just who is the bastard of this war? Perhaps whose fault is it doesn’t really matter any more as the exactness is so complex that to try to understand the reasons becomes an intolerable task. The truth lies in the secret association called emotion that makes you and me the same human being. I don’t need to tell you that my father was cold bloodedly murdered on the footsteps of our home because you already know what it feels like to suffer. Maybe you were “the other side” but you have eyes just like I do and you were able to see the anguish and the abhorrence and I know your heart felt like it was not going to make it through one more beat. But it did, and perhaps that means that it is time to grow, time to change and time to forgive. Funny isn’t it because enough has been said and nothing has been done to fix it. Indisputably, the job is our responsibility. It is never easy to learn to love and to learn live all over again, but the truth is we have been given a second chance so let’s not destroy it for the sake of the ones that died in our name. So spread those beautiful wings and teach the young souls about love for one another regardless of nationality, color or religion. Open their eyes to the reality that so passionately embraces the key to the future of the Balkan Territory. Perhaps another opportunity will never prosper upon you! This is my story. Thank you for reading it!!!
--Lana, Bosnia and Hercegovina

Anonymous said...

I am from Bosnia. It pains me to see my country's territory controlled by Serbia. The Bosnians suffered the most during all the conflicts. 300,000were killed by Serb killers, but the Serbs had everything from guns to tanks to jets. Godus--> my village. This is where my uncle and a few other Bosnian brothers in arms set up the first organised resistance to the Serbs. He killed and captured so many Serb soldiers that everyone calls him TITO. BOSNA!!!!! We will never give up. WE WILL FIGHT TO THE DEATH. All male members of my family were soldiers for Bosnia. And I am proud of them. Serbs never suffered anything. Let this be a warning to Serbian killers to never set foot on Bosnian soil unless you love Bosnia and never turn against it to kill bosnians. BOSNA!!! WE Bosnians were betrayed by the Serbs who lived in Bosna and who pretended to be our real friends. We kicked the Serbs. My family is strong and we've been shot, had shrapnel from grenades pierce our bodies but we are tough and we kicked the Serbs. If you know the name Omerovic you will know how we destroyed as many Serb invaders as we could. No fear. We freed many villages and a lot of Bosnians owe their lives for our efforts on the front line. We were born to be soldiers and fighting was what we were born for. My whole life has been totally transformed due to the war, but all it has made me is stronger and stronger. THE SERB KILLERS OF THE WAR WILL PAY. BOSNA!!! ALL SERBS LIE. I LOVE MY COUNTRY. I LOVE BOSNA WITH ALL MY HEART AND SOUL AND I CAN NEVER REST UNTIL THE SERBS PAY HEAVILY FOR WHAT THEY HAVE DONE. ALSO AMERICA AND BRITAIN ARE TO BLAME FOR THE WAR DUE TO THEIR STUPIDITY IN NOT REALISING THE HORRORS OF WHAT WAS HAPPENING IN THE BALKANS. THEY WERE RELAXING WHILE WE WERE KILLING EACH OTHER

Anonymous said...

now listen you fools. peace!!. what! we were bombed, killed our women raped bosnian men executed 7000 in one DAY. yeah. so i say to all serbs. you will never get peace from me. i long for the day when serbia is bombed non stop for 5 years.yeah. 7000 people in srebrenica. branko and ivan you serbs and croats are both the aggressors who made an alliance and then fought against bosna. me and my family are the type of people who are real soldiers. and me personally would love to fight serbia for all my life because i hate them all. bosnians stand up for your country. you suffered let it make you stronger!! so we can give the serb war machine a taste of their own bloody medicine. BOSNA!! BOSNA!! BOSNA!! Serbia will pay. i will never forget. NEVER. and my bosnian brothers and sisters neither should you.
--Ado--> uzmi tvoj kalashnikov i puzaj na chetnike!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Ivan, you must be the biggest idiot on this website if you are going to believe that Croatia isn't in Balkan. You are probably embarrassed by all that happened, but you need to wake up and smell the coffee and realise where Croatia really is, and that is in Balkan. You should be ashamed of your geographical knowledge to even attempt to make such a comment. As far as Branko goes, we all know who started the war and that is the SERBS, so don't try and make them feel like all innocent parties here. They committed the worst act on humanity since Holocaust, and probably worse than that.

Anonymous said...

I am a Serbian from Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina. I have also lived through the war. It was not so easy for regular Serbs in the war of Bosnia as everybody makes it seem. We were also ethnicly cleansed out of Mostar.  Our population went from 30,000 to only about 200 or 300 Serbs left in the town of Mostar. The most beautiful, and largest orthodox cathederal was destroyed in the town and so were several outher Serbian monuments that were so historic...This was all because of the Ustase..not the Croatians, but the Ustase. People in the west make it seem when they talk aboute the Cetnike that they are regular Serbs that just hate Moslems and Croats. Well I am a regular Serb that loves Bosnia and I wish it would go back with Yugoslavia and we could live all as Yugoslavs....but after reading what the person wrote before me, it seems that can never be. But we need to stop thinking aboutthe war and, for the love of God, move on.. I do not like people saying that no Serbs died, and suffered, and were the evil ones because we also did!!!! But we will not dwell on it.  We will move on with whatever we have left. The war is thankfully over but some people seem they are ready to start a new one. I decided to go back to Mostar this summer and what I found was so devastating.  I went to the west and east banks of the Neretva. I saw so many ruined buildings, and the most devastating was to see my old high school RUINED, MY OLD HOUSE ruined, the orthodox church RUINED. AND THEN TO SEE MY OLD FRIENDS MADE ME FEEL LIKE THERE WAS A REASON FOR COMING BACK... Before the war my friends were all mixed religions and we celebrated each other's holidays, cheered for the same Yugoslavian soccer team, got the same bad haircuts, and pledged to the same national anthem and country that the great Marshal Tito made. Yes, before we were just like the Americans and French and every other civelized people...But that is all a distant memory.  My friends now are older, much weaker, have different haircuts, sing different national anthems, and cheer for different soccer teams, but thay are still my friends and we still talk everyday and can one day walk on the Stari Most together..reminding us that life will be better as long as we still have that hope inside our hearts and the words of brotherhood and unity that the great president Tito taught us.Mostar I love you.  Bosnia I never will forget you.  Yugoslavia you are still in my heart that is all I care to say!! Bye.

Anonymous said...

To the person that wrote before this.  Listen, its kind of hard to like people that for nearly 5 years bombed Bosnia, killed 8,000 men and boys at Srebrenica, raped and killed women, snipered INNOCENT people in Sarejevo. I HATE THE SCUM THAT DID THESE CRIMES AND THE FACT IS THESE PEOPLE WERE SERB NATIONALISTS and I know from my personal experience that when the war broke out Serbs who pretended to be our friends basically said F**K YOU to the Bosnians and then helped the Serb nationalists to KILL BOSNIANS. FOR WHAT? WHY? I'll tell you why - because they are s**t bastards. and you say be friends.  Blah blah. How about if I came to Serbia and did the same. You would say to me f**k off you Bosnian blah blah blah. Even Bosnians are not welcome in parts of OUR OWN COUNTRY THAT ARE BEING CONTROLLED BY SERBS. GIVE OUR COUNTRY AND LAND BACK. GIVE US THE WAR CRIMINALS. SHOW US WHY YOU DESERVE TO BE CALLED FRIENDS. THEN WE WILL TRULY BE YOUR FRIENDS. BUT BOSNIAN PEOPLE WILL NEVER BE LIKED BY SERBS. I DONT KNOW WHY. It's sad. SO GET YOUR FACTS RIGHT BEFORE SAYING CRAP AND LIES. I admit some Serbs suffered and I am sorry, but the suffering of the Serbs was absolutely NOTHING compared to the suffering of Bosnia and its people. That is a fact. I am willing to move on but I will never forget and I will pay my respects to the almost half a million people that were MURDERED by the Serbs and the millions that had to suffer heavily.
--Bosnian person-> this is my view, i believe it is the most accurate and truthful

Anonymous said...

This is to the person before me.  You to me saying that 'this is my view, i believe it is the most accurate and truthful'  I do not belive that is true when all you do is bad mouth the Serbian people saying how you suffered in Srebrenica and Sarajevo.   Well you know it's not like there were only Moslems in Sarajevo.  It is crazy to say that when Sarajevo was the most multicultural ciity in our country!! You can not say that only Moslems died! Many of my Serbian, Croatian, and Moslem friends died in Sarajevo under the attacks of the Serbian military!   But there was also the Bosnian military that bombed the market places where thousands of people died! But don't you inderstand that how can Bosnia ever be better if people  keep trying to act like you are so innocent and helpless and like a little mouse because that is how you seem to me. The horrors of Srebrenica - I cannot and will not deny what happened there is disgusting and unhuman but I did not do that.  The Serbian women that live across the street did not do it!!  I don't understand why you hate all Serbs when we are not all blood thirsty killers and I know many Moslem people that I know understand that. Who knows how many Serbs died and how many Croats and Moslems died in former Yugoslavia and it is very depressing to hear or watch as you can probably know seeing your people being killed.   You say that Serbs didn't die nearly as much as Moslems. What about what happened in Krajina in Croatia - thousands and thousands of Serbs killed by the Croatian army and in Mostar just like what happend to the Moslems happend to the Serbs by the Croatian army. And you only say how Moslems died. Well what about Vukovar, Croatia?  Thousands of Croats killed by the Serb army. I  know that the Serb army killed people and I do not support them nor do I support any army that kills people. Moslems also killed Serbs and Croats in villages and towns. How can you deny that? Moslems also had an army and were also supported by Saudi Arabia.  I do not want to talk about who died more since noone will know who died the most and that is a stupid conversation anyway.  The importasnt thing is that we are still here and Imean me, you, and the rest of the people in Bosnia. We need to work together to build a better furture, so that this horrible war never happens again.  I do not expect you to say right now OK well it's all in the past, we will have to move on. No, I expect you to just try not to hate every non-Moslem. You also said that you can't even go to some parts of your country because its owned by Serbs.  You are wrong.  I have a very good Moslem friend that just last year whent back to Banja Luka. And do you think I went around Mostar and Sarajevo shouting Hey, I'm a Serb??? NO, God knows what kind of people are out there just hating Serbs.  The same is for my Moslem friend that went to Banja Luka. You also write 'SHOW US WHY YOU DESERVE TO BE CALLED FRIENDS. THEN WE WILL TRULY BE YOUR FRIENDS. BUT BOSNIAN PEOPLE WILL NEVER BE LIKED BY SERBS.'  Well I do not want to be or even try to be friends with people with such like you have. I do not choose or judge my friends because of their nationality or religion.  I do not have that right and neither do you!!! The final thing I want to write to you about is when you wrote " I admit some Serbs suffered and I am sorry." You do not need to be sorry. YOU did not do any thing to me or I hope any other Serbs. Like I did not do any thing to Moslems. You also say SO GET YOUR FACTS RIGHT BEFORE SAYING CRAP AND LIES. Well I was writing about my experience not yours, and I never said anything against Moslems or Croats.  I think you should get your head straight and stop judging people you don't even know!!

Anonymous said...

I think people are too obsessed with finding a guilty party when,  in fact, instead of fighting, we should all find it in our hearts to forgive, I myself am a Bosnian, but my father is a Croat and my mother is Muslim, I'm of course from Mostar but live now in Norway.  I lived in Mo for the 7 first years of my life and have been there each summer since I moved. We all live in peace together and have many friends from Serbia and Croatia. I find it hard to belive how people who were friends before the war can be enemies now just because of religion. Are we really against a whole nation just because of what ONE leader did, are we gonna hate serbs because of what milosevic did? or croats because of what tudman did? are we really that stupid. I understand that it's hard to let go, but how else can we move on? We all speak the same languange and before the war, we didn't care about the religious diffrences. Why should we now? Instead of arguing over whose fault it is can't we just live together? Because we all know what war can do to people. Let's live together in the melting pot that once was Jugoslavia. I know people will immediately say this is impossible, but it just a suggestion, just a little dream of mine.
--Ines, Norway

Anonymous said...

I agree with Ines, Yugoslavia was an excellent melting pot. If only we had the right people runnning it and ther right mechanisms in place to stop what we couldn't. I dream of the days I used to play in Jasenica in our street when I was 5 and 6 years old (1985 and 1986) with my friends Goran "Gogo" and Emir. Those times now, and then, really felt like heaven.
-- Jasmin Kovacevic, Australia

Anonymous said...

I lived in Sarajevo 300 meters from the Holiday Inn and I saw into the hospital when I was 13 at the time...3 Serbian soldiers with rifle machine guns raped 3-4 pregnant women.   Russians with them too. I lived on 21 Avde Jabucice C in Sarajevo.  If anyone wants to pay my mom and dad a visit you're guns though! I live in Maine now.   I saw the Unis towers burn,and I fought in the war. On Igman and on Trebevic near Pale (strong Serbian city).  I lost my dad and my uncle to a grenade when we were sleeping on Igman at night. Pale is 11 miles from Sarajevo,where Rado Karadzic was in the war. The city of Sarajevo, we lost power on May 18, 1992, I think.  And we had no water. When one day my dad came back from Banja Luka in March 1992, he saw road blocks near Vogosca (village 3 KM from Sarajevo). Anyone wanna talk to me? On AIM bosnianxmafiax and  Bosnian in heart and life.  I am a dual citizen of BiH and USA.
--Semir, Portland, Maine, USA

Anonymous said...

The only way for peace to occur and for people to forget their troubles, is for a massive cash injection into Bosnia Herzegovina and serbia. Serbians, Muslims and Croatians have all lost in this war - be it property, jobs, loved ones or land. Research has shown that these wonds can be fixed with cash - called righting the wrongs. Let's build any destroyed house (include private buildings), return all those who lived where they lived before, give a salary boost to police and other personnel, and set up an anti corruption watchdog. Back in 1999, when rebuilding had been taking place in Mostar, I'm not going to name any names, but I had my house rebuilt as part of the project for one reason: I bribed the Croat office from west Mostar who needed to be bribed. While poor Goran or Zika will never get theirs rebuilt as they are abroad in Canada or Australia.
--Jefta Ilich, Australia

Anonymous said...

My name is Tajma Avdic and I am a Muslim from Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina. Many people have not heard of my hometown, but those from Bosnia know. I have read some of the stories and I must say this. There have been many massive graves containing Muslims in them that the Serbs have killed, but never were any found that had Serb bodies in them!!!!! I think that tells the story and everything else can be left unsaid. The Serbs were not kicked out of Bosnia, but instead, they had people from Serbia come and kill thousands of people in Bosnia, occupied our homes, took our land, but previously, left by themselves. The Serbs left our cities, because of the great bombarding and all the killing that they have planned and they simply protected themselves from the killing. Some of my neighbours, people I have known all my life were actually the ones that did all the killing and if you ask me, I think that is horrible!!! So, long live BOSNIA, and God save all Bosnians, wherever they are.

Anonymous said...

'm from Kosova Capital of the World.I live in Adelaide in Australia .I was in Kosovo war which was horrible.  Many people died. We went to Macedonia to stay safe. All of my family went.  Noone in my family got hurt, God bless us.  I think that's about it.  I pershendes te ghithe shqiptaret qdo kund edhe me se shumti Kastriotin ish obiliq posaqerisht fshatin PALAJ.

Anonymous said...

remember clear the war that broke out in Bosnia. I was young man at the time, and it was horrible for all who lived there. I remember no power, no water, no food, no shelter. There was one particularly bad year in 93, my family had been killed by big Serbian artillery shell (in Sarajevo) and I was left only with pet dog, a Dalmatian. He was smart, and very good runner, very fast. Sometimes he alert me when troops coming near camp, or he would first check to see if troops hiding, and then come back and bark if true, smart dog, very smart dog. I love this dog like brother, my family had been killed, and this was all that was left, I miss this dog to this day. In 93, there was no food, there was nothing that Herman (dog) could catch, not even dead carcass of rabbit or another dog, we starving. Next to no food for 3 weeks, and I feel horrible, bad, very bad, getting very sick, same as Herman, and I knew by looking into his eyes, he knew what was next, it was either him or me.. If i didn't, we would both be dead, or maybe he eat me after I died, im not sure. But i love this dog like a brother, he protected me, kept me warm, and was friend when everyone else shooting, and I regret now. Maybe I could have found food next day?? Who knows, I wish he alive. War not only hurt people, and houses, it hurts animals, war is hell.
--Zoran Jovanovic, Australia

Anonymous said...

Ado, suti. Sure the croatians and bosnians had their difference, but they were mostly allies against the aggressors (serbs). Anyway, you bosnian people are mixed croatian/serbian more or less one or the other. Why do you, your family and the rest of "bosnians" follow Allah when your people used to be Christian? Jesus Christ is the only way. We all know that every four years the Ottoman Turks would steal the children from their families, bring them to Ottoman Turkey, and preach Allah to them, and had lower taxes for muslims, which is unfair. No wonder so many of "your" people "willingly" converted.

Anonymous said...

To the person who posted about the Serbs being worse than the Croatians. The Croatians were worse than the Serbs. They didn't just kill, they killed for money and power - in Mostar they did anyway. And unless i get my 3 storey house rebuilt (which i built from 100K compensation i got from a back injury in 1979) in Gornja Jasenica, I literally am going to be unable to get rid of this "rob rob rob" feeling for Croatians that I see. I only now hear that many Muslims in Mostar had their houses saved because they knew the right person in the HVO to send money to. Now i have been doing some investigations and i have a name. When i find this person i will literally knock their head off. Unless something positive happens in relation to my house loss. If we are going to have peace then things must be rebuilt. Otherwise i will never forget my loss and i will have to carry out an armed robbery on croatians or something like that due to the sheer frustration and anger that has built up inside me all these years waiting and hoping. I wish US troops and Paddy Ashdow would start to crack down on corruption there like he recently did in republika srpska. It sickens me to the stomach of hearing one prominent young buisnessman living here in his 30s now having bribed a croatian official to have their house rebuilt. Because trust me i will find this official and he will no longer have a hand to shake to do corrupt deals with unless justice is done and my house is rebuilt.
--Hasib Kovacevic, Australia

Anonymous said...

Stipe i agree with your story but i think croatians led directly to the breakup of yugoslavia followed by mr fascist nazi dr franjo tudman. He even claimed in his book that bosnia herzegovina was illegitimate and belongs to hrvatska. I got nothing against hrvatska but i am getting more and more anger building up inside me because of my lost house in gornja jasenica bb in mostar. From when it was built i happily had serbs and hrvat and muslim tenants living there. There is also now a road that has been asphalted in that street stipe. And that road to make matters worse, when the coucil finished building it, they simply put all the construction rubbish onto our lot. Why?? although i'd rather not think this but sadly the same reason we lost our house. Because my name is Hasib and they want to ethnically cleanse me. Well i have had enough stipe, yes enough. My anger inside me has literally now got me to the point where i am willing to risk my life in an armed robbery or something to get some justice done for myself. You try live like this you just try. You get injured and f*** your back up and you get a payout that is supposed to help you for the rest of your natural life when you cant work any more. You just try and see how you go. And when you do try, let me level out the playing field. Let me take away your compensation then deny all justice for you to get it back ever again. Then let about 12 years go past and you keep hearing the same old story from the authorities - you tell me about all the anger that would have been built upo inside yourself. Please do not get me wrong i have absolutely nothing against cros. I used to drink with them. When the thing was being built i personally paid croatians in the street who helped us build it. But there has to be some justice here - and this i tell you stipe is worse than being dead for me. Day after day goes past in financial hardship here because of what i made over there and denials to my human rights to have it rebuilt.
--Hasib Kovacevic

Anonymous said...

Selam braco i sestre. This is still Yugoslavia in my words. i am a muslim from Mostar. This is the great unity that Tito taught us. Izetbegovich could have done better. He should have kept Bosnia with yugoslavia and then jointly, Bosnia and Serbia would maybe have been able to take action and fund a war on croatia to retain Yugoslavia. This is what Izetbegovich should have done. I hope when i die i never cross paths with Tudman. Because if i ever do, i will cause him serious pain that i never ever thought possible. I want to tie up the ************ and slowly use pins and needles to take his skin off. Then i'll crush his head with a hammer and rip his eyes and brains out. This is what should happen to naughty little Ustase who bring down successful united multiethnic countries with their friend Dr Helmut Kohl and chums Dr Warren Christopher.

Anonymous said...

Moje ime je Salko. Imam 67 godina. Ja neznam citati ili pisati, ni o svijetu ili politici. Ja samo znam kako se ubije Hrvat. Samo to.

Anonymous said...

hello for all who reading this letter! Im not srbian, not croat, not bosnian. Im stil Yugoslavian. Yugoslavia was before very strong country.Special military. Evrybody like us, because we was tampon zone between capitalizem and comunizem in the time of cold war. When Soviet union broke down, in this moment Yugoslavia wasnt anymore good. The leaders from capital country, special Amerika with Clinton curved for war in Yugoslavia. West leaders stimulated Milosevic, that he start maked Great Srbia. The people of Yugoslavia never forget Americans about this. And we hope that you will get more aeroplanes in buildings like WTC. You cant to be police for all world. You remember what you done in Japan, Vietnam, Somalia, Irak and other around of the world. In ex Yugoslavia you are NOT wellcome.

Anonymous said...

i think what the ustase did was wrong, but when u hear stories about how they killed many serbs , thats all beacuse of what the serbs did to many innocent croats. today they blame everything on the ustase but they dont look at what the serbs did. That shows that people think croatians are nothing important. The ustase dont really get any suppoert from but the serbs dont either so them if your going to blame the ustase blame the serbs too they were both in this. The croatians suffered alot and nobody cared, but now when they hear songs such as " jasenovac i gradiska stara" then they care about the croatians but in a bad way. They thing that song glorifies the ustase butchering serbs, but that song really is about the croatian army getting back for the butchering of the croats. So those of you who are going to blame it all on the croats, have the right information.
--Antonia, Croatia

Anonymous said...

hi well what to say to all those letters from the people before me - only this - i am 110% croat from banjaluka, bosnia and i am proud to be one (although, my mom was 1/2 muslim). i was born and raised in banjaluka, with many friends on both sides (muslim and serbs). before i left in 1994 i was friend with this one girl name Aida , we went to high school together , sat in the same class bench and go out and had fun together. she met this serbian guy and went onto become a serbian (she changed her name and became orthodox in church), never to say she forgot who she is and where she came from for about two years(92-94). in 1994 i was in gasinci (refugee camp in northeast croatia)and there she was - pretending to be a muslim AGAIN. Yet she wasn't. But, she used her muslim family name to get the refugee status and to leave her SERBIAN occupied Bosnian town. Shame on you AIDA and all of the AIDA's in BanjaLuka who forgot who they were and who they are - shame on you all . After all I could just state - I AM PROUD TO BE CALLED CROAT FROM BANJA LUKA AND TO BE ALSO CALLED BOSNIAN IN THE SAME TIME. I am a USA citizen as well as citizen of Croatia and Bosnia.
--Antonia G.

Anonymous said...

hi everyone! former yugoslavia was a beautiful country, and partially still is. i moved to germany in 1994, unfortunately lived through the terrible years in bosnia. in 1998 my family and i moved to phoenix, az. a dream come true, because i wanted to live in the states since i was 3 years old. funny huh, how you can live in a perfect country and still wanting to live somewhere else. i'm currently attending college out of state which is in los angeles, ca. my life in the states is awsome,..i have great friends that i grew up with here and that also moved to california with me to attend college and who are stationed in the military. i will never forget the war, and alwyas love my country. it makes me so sad, when i still see conflicts between our own people in the states. i don't have any friends who are from my country, because i don't wish to deal with negativity. yet in other hand many times i miss it, becasue there is no country like ours. i will achieve my goals and live my dream, because i owe it to myself and to my country. may a better future come to those who are still living in former yugoslavia. god bless. we will never forget.
- Maja

Anonymous said...

My letter is directed to all the racist Croats of Herzegovina who are really making it as hard as possible for proper ethnic tolerance in Hercegovina for Serbs and Muslims. A few people I know regularly attend an Eastern Orthodox Chruch in Mostar but the priest dares not wear his usual en route to church. He simply dresses like an ordinary man whilst commuting to the church, then inside he gets into his gear. It is sad that attacks from Croats in hercegovina still happen. I call on the world and Zagreb to start setting an example, to condemn the racist behaviour/culture of many Croats in Hercegovina towards Serbs and Muslims. A few months ago my uncle said he was happier and safer walking around the Carsija in Croatia than Hercegovina for Serbians. Look I know this is a boring and monotonous letter, but DONT READ THE ABOVE, ONLY READ THE FOLLOWING!!! The Serb people voted Milosevic in, but he is not a reflection of Serbs in general. Also, the Italian people voted Mussolini in, but they can't be held responsible for what Mussolini did later. Same goes for Hitler. And Hirohito. My point is, don't judge a book by its cover. Likewise don't judge all Muslims by Alija. Give us a fair break - give it a try, walk along the ulica and smile at each other, trust me smiling is infectious..!!!
--Iliya, Australia

Anonymous said...

My name is Dzenana and I'm a mix of Bosnian, Croatian and Serbian. I am not religious at all and do not follow either Christianity or Islam. I was born in Sarajevo and have lived there until 4 years ago when I moved to America. What I want people to realize is that we all suffered and that we need time to heal. What Milosevic did is inexcusable and horrible but not all Serbs are like that. What Tudjman did to Serbs in Krajina was wrong but not all Croatians are like that. What Alija didn't do to save Bosnians was messed up and his idea of creating a unified Bosna failed miserably. My house in Sarajevo is in ruins now because it was bombed and burned to the ground. My father is missing and they have yet to find his body. My mother died along with my older brother, because of snipers. I am now alone with no parents to love me and for what? What was the point of the war? To prove who is stronger and who is worse. Well we all proved just how cruel we can be. We all killed and suffered and we cannot say that we did not hate one another. I wish everyday that I didn't have to leave my home, that my parents didn't have to die and that we could all live in peace like before. I know it will take a long time for our wounds to heal but we must find a way. We cannot continue the cycle of hate, war and killings. I don't have hate in my heart anymore because I know what it can do. I have nothing left to hate and no one to blame. The war was horrible and destroyed all our lives in some way , shape or form. Please open your eyes and your heart to the idea of forgivness. Because what war has done is not only destroy buildings and houses but people's spirit and lives. Find room in your heart for forgiveness and keep an open mind because not all Serbs, Croatians , Bosnians are bad. Their actions are not directly representative of ALL people.
--Dzenana Z, Amerika (Bosna)

Anonymous said...

Love , Peace and Happiness to All people from Jugoslavia! ! !
- Dejan, Canada

Anonymous said...

'll give you all the land and material goods I have if you give me peace and freedom to be who I am? If Serbs want my house in Tuzla, they can have it. I will give up anything I have for a chance to live my life in peace like before. I know that we are all human. But how could my best friends turn on me because I am Muslim? How could my neighbor kill my parents in cold blood in the market square? Aren't we human too? Don't we breathe the same air, listen to the same music, speak the same language, share a common heritage? Why Bosna , why then and why now? Why do Serbs hate us all? I don't hate them or anyone. I just want my parents back and to live peacfully alongside Serbs and Croatian like before. Is that too much to ask for? Why, Oh Why God can't we all realize we are HUMAN and we deserve to be respected and loved regardless of religion or ethnicity? live, learn, forgive-> my advice to all! ! !
- Selma, Florida

Anonymous said...

Who wants peace, should make an effort to create it? I'm a Serb but I do not hate Muslims or Croatians. Why would I they are my brothers and sisters with different names and religions. We are all the same and we need to realize that fact. War does not destroy the human inside it only makes it stronger! Milosevic, Tudjman, Izetbegovic all worked in their own interests not in the interest of the PEOPLE! They will all pay for what they did to us all. I'm sorry for all the atrocities in Srebrenica and Bosna in general, sorry to all the Muslims and Croats whose lives were lost. Not all Serbs are like that, please keep that in mind. I have Jugo in my blood and love in my heart for ALL!
- Dragan, Uzice, Srbija

Anonymous said...

Smrt fasizmu, Sloboda NARODU- Tito Long Live Stara Jugoslavija, you know the one where we all got along and no one killed anyone because of their ethnicity or religion! if you don't then i feel sorry for you , because you missed out on the best country in the world. Zivela stara Jugoslavija i moja braca i sestre bili vi Srbi, Hrvati, Muslimani ili Albanci! ! ! everybody deserves a chance at life, love and happiness, don't let war get in the way of achieving that. . . we are all human, we all bleed the same blood and breathe the same air. Learn to love one another because we are ALL the same people ethnically even though we all have different religions now.
- Ivan, Garesnica, Hrvatska

Anonymous said...

Wake up in the morning and be happy you're still alive! Sta vam je ljudi, stop the hate , spread the love! CIJELA JUGA JEDNA AVLIJA(keep that in mind). And a question for all the Serbs: Why do you hate us( Croatians and Muslims)so much? Were we so horrible to live with that you had to kill us? I will never truly understand why the war happened. . . :(
-Katerina, Ljubljana, Slovenia

Anonymous said...

I migrated to Australia after the war. I am so grateful it has given me a chance to start a new life. So now, I get to finish over here what Hrvati started to my house nd family in Mostar. I'm a painter for my trade. Soon i'll start using live Ustasa to paint the floors with. And wait it doesn't end there! Later i have a few drains to unblock - those i'll be unblocking with Ustasa heads, live ones too! Then when i'm finished using my materials, i'll just go on and get some new fresh Ustasa until I completely unblock all my drains and finish painting the floor. And when i'm finished with em, i just pack em' in the truck an' off I go hey pal??!!!! And when anyone asks what the hell i'm doing, I'll just say "My work!" This country has been so kind to me, They let me in, processed me, gave me a job, and most important, anonymous freedom. So in turn, I give all these Ustasa even more freedom! I use them for my work and damm right i give em freedom - I give them their full right to silence...!! lol Osman Olovcic.

Anonymous said...

hEY Svima, ima 10 minuta ja sjedim ovdje i citam vase price...sve Bosanci, Srbi, Hrvati...a svi pisemo na engleskom... zasto to?? Ja sam odsvakle, ni sama neznam vise. Ovaj rat me je natjerao da se selim dosta, previse. Ja sad zivim u USA vec 4 godine, ali cu uvijek biti MOSTARAKA, a jos vise BOSANKA. Kako citam ovu guestbook suze mi idu na oci, toliko mrznje, toliko krvi i zivota i opet nam nije dosta. Samo prijetimo jedni drugima. Da, Srbi i Hrvati a i ostale sile trebaju da plate za sve sto su uradili, ali gddje da se povuce linija??? Kad je dosta? Meni je bilo previse prije jedno 13-14 god kad je sve ovo pocelo. Izgubila sam dosta familije i nikad nebih napustila svoj Mostar da nisam morala--u 2000-toj, ali sto je bilo bilo je . Mi se trebamo potruditi da se vise ne desi a oni sto pisu da ce klati, i paliti... pazi te se, i ako bas morate pisati pisite pod drukcijim imenom i sa javnog comp. nikad neznate ko vas prati. Sellam Alejkum svima....

Anonymous said...

Mijesto( gradovi, sela itd) koje vidite na karti BOSNE i HERCEGOVINE znaci da pripada BiH, nema tu price. A druga je stvar kad Srbi misle da nesto njima pripada kad nije istina, da je Brco Srpsko bilo bi u Srbiji. I za one koji psuju i svasta pricaju na ovoj stranici i postavlja sutite spustite se na zemlju, nije vam ovo '92 mozete lahko naj----- I to sto je neko rekao da mi Bosanci smo prije nekad samo bili Srbi ili Hrvati de to molim te dokazi... ustvari Bosanci prije 100 i vise godina smo imali sam svoje pismo koji su cak i Hrvati pisali i ucili posebno iz gradova kao Livno. Poslije nekog vremena poceli smo pisat kao i dan danas zato sto je bilo puno teze za pisat a posebno za citat. Za molila bih pojedine PAPKE da RAZMISLE vrlo dobro sta postave na stranice prije nego sto reklamisu da svi citaju. GLUPI STE, posebno za pismene ljude koji citaju vase komentare. Normalna stvar svak voli svoje ali ozbiljno razmilite malo prije nego sto nesto kazete makar budi te REALNI..Nemate se sta brukat preko neta i pokusavat dokazat da Brcko pripada drugoj drzavi osim Bosni, kad jedno stavno niste upravu. Zbog papaka kao pojedini Srbi na ovoj stranici je zapoceo rat. Nema mi nista gore nego kad neko komentarise i raspravlja se o'politiki kad nikad nije vidio/vidjela grada, mozda jedino na karti!

Anonymous said...

Po mom misljenju naj bolje je da se Bosanci,Srbi i Hrvati nikako ne sastaju i nikako ne kontaktiraju kad oci gledno ne moze mo se organski. Ja sam osoba koja kad nekoga ili nesto ne voli k'o da je mrtav za mene ignorisem i izbjegavam 'ih. Nemam vise sta govorit to je sve sto ja mislim. Nikad vise nece bit kao sto je nekada bilo, nemamo sta folirat preko volje kad se vidjamo. Svak ima svoje misljenje (k'o je kriv, bolji itd) i normalno nece dat da se prica protiv k'o sto ja nedam da se prica protiv Bosne. Samo je zalosno zato svi ovi sto pricaju protiv Bosne na ovoj stranici su rodeni u Bosni i su Hrvati/Srbi ali Bosanci. I nekada ste je voljeli ipak vam je rodni kraj. Mogu se kladit da niko od vas nije iz Srbije uposte. Al' et' BOSNA JE MAJKA BOSANCIMA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

Anonymous said...

Kapriciozna, Kako si Balija? Balijanka! Bjezite iz Hercegovine!! Blazevic Tom.
--Blazevic, Tom - Mostar. Herceg Bosna

Anonymous said...

sloboda fasizmu,smrt balijama.najefektivni lijek za balijsko jevrejsku stetocinu je metak.moramo ocistiti ovu bolest iz hriscanstva.srbi i hrvati ujedinite se i napravite od bosne hrvatsku i srbiju!!!
-milan nedic

Anonymous said...

Hi, my name is Dervo Kovacevic, we grew up in 1946 in Konjic, Bosnia. We are Muslims, but i always wonder the origins of our name.. So i started searching and searching. I discovered that in the early 1800s, I had a great great great great grandfather who was called "Milos Kovacevic". And that he was Serbian. That proves the Kovacevic name is Serbian, and some Muslims were originally Serbian. And that also proves that it is not right to fight people that have another religion. One thing i dont understand though, if Bosnian Muslims were originally serbian, why didn't the 2 unite to kick Croatia's butt and drive the Ustasa off the coast of Dubrovnik back to their Vatican grandfathers and Argentinian pavlevich saviours?

Anonymous said...

Hello, i dont think it is a case of racism, but i seriously think that Bosnia should unite with Serbia and Montenegro and form a country called Yugoslavia. I'd live there happily and would love to have Muslims and Serbs as neighbours as long as there are no Ustasas. They made life hell for us, tortured us, killed our children, took our money, and burnt our homes. The only people who really win from wars in the end are arms makers. Which are in the USA, which armed and equipped Croatian fascists in Bosnia. Something else i wanna say. The next time you think Germany is a good hearted country think this. In the 1990s after Croatia entered the war in Bosnia, Great Britain wanted sanctions on Hrvatska for doing such. But guess who blocked all attempts for sanctions on Hrvatska? Germany!!!
- Mirsad Gagic, Australia

Anonymous said...

Balija trebaju da znaju odakle su dosli. Oni su prija svi bili srbi ili hrvati. Iduce put kada balije kritikovaju Srbe ili Hrvate, trebaju da se malo tuknu u glavu i da znaju odakle su dosli.
- Bojan Draganovic

Anonymous said...

Peace and love upon all muslims of the world! Keep up the faith! E.C

Anonymous said...

milan nedic hvala bogu da si zivi....jebem vam mater muslimansku
- hrvat/srbin, bosansko grahovo

Anonymous said...

Can we all just learn a lesson from this WAR. If anything should be taken away from that experience is that we need to learn to understand each other better. We ALL suffered so please don't make idiotic remarks about the "Cetniks","Ustasas", and the "Mudzahedins". Walk a mile in their shoes and go through what they do and then form an opinion about that PERSON , not the whole ETHNICITY.You people don't get the fact that we are all Slavs and that we share a common heritage even though some choose to deny it. Open your eyes to all the suffering and pain this war has caused ALL of us. Please from the bottom of my heart, open your eyes and heart to love and not hate. Learn from your different neighbors. Next time you feel like swearing out the word "Cetnik", "Ustasa", or "Mudzhedin", ask a person of Serbian, Croatian, or Bosnian background about their experiences during the war. Visit a different part of town , maybe populated with a different ethnic group and ask them how they feel. Don't think that you're the only one who suffered. If there's anything I have learned in my 17 years of existence is the fact that we are All Human and we deserve to be treated as such. Why are we killing each other when we should be brothers and sisters. We need to rebuild our lives and countries and our relationships. If we don't try now what will the future hold for the generations after us. Think about your children and their children and what would you want them to live like. In a close minded society or a multi-ethnic state where each day is a lesson in our differences. Why can't each day be a great day, instead of a painful memory of death and destruction. In the end I would personally like to apologize to ALL the people whose lives were lost during the war, the numerous men, women, children, and animals that died because of cruel violence. And I wake up thanking God that I am still alive to make a difference for the better. Please don't hate me just because I am a Muslim. Althought we should not hate at all in my opinion, if you must hate me , hate me because I am short, or skinny or annoying. Not because of who I am and your misinterpretations of my religion and culture. In the end Thank you to ALL the people out there who continue to strive for peace and equality for ALL people.I wish all of you great, long, happy and healthy lives filled with love.
-Dzenana, Bosna i Hercegovina (living in U.S.A currently)

Anonymous said...

i have heard so many Bosnians saying that they are "Turci!" This is not true - they are Srbi. Bosanci svi su bili srbi jedan put, but they converted to Islam when the Turks came and took serbian babies from their parents to have them brought up as Muslims. I expect all the racists, bigots, extremists to jump up as soon as they read this, up in arms attitude all guns blazing. But remember, it is history! Bosnians are historically Serbs. But to go as far as to want to be racist towards others who were once the same as you is called being deranged. To note that people still keep this up in any day and age makes one feel sick. And finally, i think that Bosnia should have stayed as only one Bosnia Herzegovina, but joined in a union with Serbia Montenegro. They are the same people for christ sake!
-Bosko iz Australije

Anonymous said...

Bring back Yugoslavia! What people dont realise was all the benefits we used to have with everything being federal - did anyone mention these to people when we had those famous "referendums" in bosna and hrvatska in the early 90s for independence? How bout a referendum on the benefits of the federal system - we people ever told about the benefits?? Democratic Yugoslavia must return!! Herzgovina, Bosna, Srbija, Makedonija, Kosovo, Crna Gora, - all of these should be a good new Yugoslavia. Forget about Hrvatska, they dont belong there.

Anonymous said...

Even though I was only 4.5 years old when war started I remember a lot. I remember: - spending time in shelthers all by myself while my mom was away, trying to find food and water.. - wondering if my mom is still alive and will i see my familly ever again... - I remember hearing people crying...seeing pain and destruction everywhere.. - being scared all the time.. I was raised in a familly that taught me to always look beyond someones skin color or religion, to never judge a book by its cover. The Serb people did choose Milosevic to be their leadder but he is not a reflection of Serbs in general. So please people just STOP judging each other!! I cannot understand why sooo many people created all that hate toward others!!! Do you really think that hateing someone and talking thrash about someone will help you to build your home again, or to bring back the loved one?????? OK, maybe I am just a very proud 16 years old, bosnian girl whose heart will always be with the most beautifull city in the world, Sarajevo, and with the people who truly cared about me, and thought me to care... but I can promise you that I will "fight" for peace and love, in this world of crazyness.. I'm young, still learning, growing, changing, yet I have ideals, noble goals and plans, for things like a healthy enviroment, world peace and a crime-free land. I'm no longer a child, yet not an adult, I'm a teenager still. But don't understimate my value, because I am, I can and I will!! Please love each other, and respect everyone who deserve your respect... (I apologize for my grammar mistakes)
-Irma, Arizona/Phoenix

Anonymous said...

Demokratska Jugoslavija. One day - not in my lifetime but one day that revolution will come along.... hahahahah ... Nationalism will be wiped out one day as the older generation disappears and all these young dudes emerge! They will realise what we were and that we must be together! Sometimes i wonder - the Turks created a mess in the Balkans, but irma is right, hating today will not help bring back your dead or rebuild your house. We gotta get over the hating part and start being brothers in arms against Western retad folks who have always wanted us to be a nation of beggars, who bring their foreign workers to us and we are out of jobs.

Anonymous said...

Zasto nemoze Jugoslavija nova da bude kao Australija? Ovde imas jeboga svakoga na vladi - imas crnce, aburidzane, indice, kineze, aziance, arapskih muslimana, svakoga jebi ga! Kako moze Australia tako lijepo da zivi? Eh imam isto "message" od Tita za Izetbegovica... "alija... alija.....dosli su ti zadnji dani, nema vremena da vise lezis, idi revolucija napravi"!! hahaha A evo jedna sala sada. "Jednom bi ovaj komsija 'Josip', ko je bio popularan u "gossip", ves mu uvijek smrdio, a kad hodao uvijek je prdio, i nije nikad Ustasa bio veseo"!!! hahahaahhaha eh da malo zezam one hrvate sto su picke najveci racisti na ovoj planeti. Nevole nikoga u vraziju mater: nevole srbe, nevole muslimane, nevole zidove, nevole ni sami sebe.
-Nevolim Hrvate dok ne plate za sta su mi uradili, Australija, Sidnej

Anonymous said...

Well Since most of u are talking about loosing ur houses or ur money, I guess ill be one of those who can say that none of those things matter and u realize that when u loose somebody who was everything to u... Anyway, I lived in Mostar my whole life and was there from the beginning till the end of the war...saw and experienced so many horrible things and I hope it never happens again...and even tho it was very hard, thank God today I am very happy and love my life...even tho it will never be the same....
- Selena, Georgia

Anonymous said...

Not many people heard about this one...:) Metkovic, 6.3.2005. - Taman kad smo zaboravili na nedace koje je nam je donio sijecanjski snijeg, zima je pokazala da se još ne da. Jutros je poceo padati gusti snijeg cija visina je zacas dosegla oko pet centimetara. Za sada ne pravi probleme u prometu jer je temperatura nešto iznad nule, no poljoprivrednici ponovno strepe od još vecih šteta, a vec je potpuno izvjesno da je proizvodnja ranih povrtlarskih kultura u potpunosti poremecena, što se može vidjeti i po cijenama povrca na metkovskoj tržnici. But ......... ja nadam se da ce bog dati 10 puta gore oluve i tako u hrvatskoj dok se moja 3 spratna kuca sto je bila u Gornjoj jasenici ne napravi opet. Ovo je bila prazna kuca, ja sam bio u Australiji sa famelijom od 1986 pa sve do 1998. ustase su je srusili kad su minirali u 92, i sve do danas nema da se ponovo pravi. A jebi vas Ustase.
-Maybe Serb Maybe Bosnia, not important, Australija

Anonymous said...

Hi, i am writing this while a fire of heartbreak burns inside me. Here is my story, I'd think everyone human here will be able to feel my pain.

My surname is Kovacevic and my father is from Konjic, born there in 1946. He is a Muslim and has Serbian roots. He migrated with his wife and 3 kids, one of whom am I, to Australia in 1971.

Since 2002, I have been real close with a girl who is Serbian (born here in Oz, parents came here in the 70s like us). She is the most gorgeaugeous girl I have ever seen and looking at her cute face only means beauty. Her family is Orthodox and my parents are Muslims, not strict ones though. We have been in contact we long and have gone out some times, and it has not taken me long to realize that this would be the girl of my dreams, and that i'd probably never ever meet a girl like this again. We've only ever kissed, as she is a strict Orthodox girl and I respect this right to the bone.

A few days ago, she told me the truth in a few things i have never known or never thought before. 1) She has never ever dared to tell her father about us, in the respect that i'd like something serious to happen of this, 2) and, her father has said before that if she ever married a Bosnian, Croat, Greek, Macedonian, Australian, or anyone else ever who is non-Serb, when they leave he will track them down and both kill her and him. This explained many mysteries which i had while we contacted and went out. 1) why i could never go to her house but and instead would meet somewhere close to her house. 2) why she could never give her home phone number to me. Being a typical Slav (with Serbian roots) a=given my surname, I still believe we are the same people historically. When we had this conversation where she told me the truth, I suggested a few alternatives and asked if they would work. I suggested that I would happily ad in the heart be Christened to be a good Orthodox young man that her dad would approve of. But then she went on to say that her dad would still not accept it as we are typically Bosnian and my blood is Bosnian. I even said that I'd anyday completely let go of any traces i have to Islam and would fully convert to Orthodox, and all our family would be Orthodox also, but she still went along the line of her father knows my blood would be Bosnian and would never accept it, if she ever married or did anything serious with me, the days both of our lives end would not be far away.

I dont know about you whoever you are reading this, but to me, this last week has been completely heartbreaking. There has been almost like a fire burning daily in my stomach. No amount of painkillers or antibiotics for quick-pain relief will be able to cure the feelings I have for my baby and that we will not, under any circumstances, never be able to be together again. And this is not her. It is not her brother. It is even not her mother (who knwos about me), it is her father. Her father, and other people in her family who live in Knin and other towns around the Krajina in Hrvatska and some in Srpska. I myself could easily pass as a Serb. I love it when i saw the photos of her families overseas and her really cute little nephew, i dream to meet all these people with her, I'd love to play chess with her uncle and grandad and attend church and christenings, etc, with them. All for us. But it is external factors that are thousands of years old that are ending this.

It is totally heartbreaking. It really is. You try so hard, you give all that you have genuinely, you have the right attitude and are caring and loving, but still it is going to be a no. This is bothering me a lot and it is something i dont seem to be able to recover from. he pain inside me, i dont believe anyone here knows what it is like.

Just 2 weeks ago i was a happy young man, enjoying drinks, funny tv sitcoms, days off work, and at work, etc. Now i no longer find i can make my lungs laugh, i dont enjoy drinks, not happy with people when going out, in general I am a sad sad case. Although 25 years old, I recognise many people will say I'll meet other girls in life, but this one looks to be gone because of outside factors and i will never meet someone like this again. She has the cutest face anyone could see (with a birthmark which makes it really unique), the nicest smile, the gratest sense of humour and everything else fits. I dont think i'll come across anyone like this ever again.

And for the record readers, my parents settled in Australia in 1971, and largely lived in Mostar when we went over there a few times. We were not there for the war and did not support anyone. I have many Serb friends here I have known for many years, and have never held any hostilities towards any. In fact, one of my friends family invite me every year to their housefor dinner where they celebrate their "Slava". It is amazing. It is like a family to me.

Now all I would like is god to be able to see what I want here, and to see that everything would work out right and to turn things around so they work out. I am a man many call a "pushover", but I call it a nice guy. I could easily covert to another religion and happily follow it to the bone, in the heart. If only things could work out the way they should, naturally.
-Someone 25 y.o from Sydney, Au (cant I.D myself as some Muslims or/and Serbs will track down)

Anonymous said...

I just want you to know that i know what you guys are going through. I just got done reading a diary of a young girl who kept her faith and survived the war with all the hope coming from her diary, and the letters she recieved from her friends. Her name is Zlata Filipovic. I think everybody needs to read her diary because she really said a lot and it really made me feel sorry for everybody there. It made me realize just how good I really have it. You never know how good you really have it until you meet someone who has it worse! thank you for listening!
-Kayla-Marie, Pavillion Wyoming

Anonymous said...

Od Bosne i Hercegovine do USA! Dali da zaboravimo sto se desilo u BIH ili da pamtimo? Pokusavam da se nadjem posle svega sto sam dozivjela u tome dijelu svijeta.Trazim godinama odgovor za sve to sto se desilo zar je vrijedilo da se nechiji zivoti uloze u to.Danas posle toliko godina pokusavam da sachuvam nasu tradiciju,obicaje i nacin zivota,ali mi svaki dan postaje moja zemlja dalja.Dali je zato sto sam vidjela prizvuk ljubomore u nasem puchanstvu,ili jednostavno nemoguche to uchiniti na drugome kraju svijeta. Pokusavam da zaboravim nochne more, one dane kada sam kao 21 godischnjakinja sa 4 mjeseca trudniche izbachena iz doma mojih roditelja, i bila prinudjena da krenem u svijet bez nade da chu se ikada vratiti tamo odakle nosim jako ruzna zivotna iskustva. Jednoga dana nadam se da chu biti jaka da se suochim sa svim onim sto sam morala uchiniti posle rata ali sada nisam u toj moguchnosti jer,ne osjecxham se jaka. Tesko je pozeljeti zagrljaj svoga roditelja a nema ga tu.I posle svega sada dok radim i sebe zovem uspjesnom Bosankom u USA ipak cheznem za onim mojim miris cvijecha koje ne mirise ovdje kao tamo,miris zemlje koja daje zdrave plodove miris prirode,i zagrljaj roditelja. Danas pokusavam da pojasnim djeci zasto je to tako a kada me upitaju zasto svi imaju djeda a mi ne kazem da je dao zivot za domovinu da bude nama ljepsche a onda slijedi pitanje na pitanjea zasto mi nismo onda sada tamo.Jedan dio zivota ostao je u sjechanju znam da je nesto lipo bilo u mojoj domovini, ali raj je ostavio tragichne posljedice na nas koji smo bili generacija koja treba da zivi zivot a ne pati.Da  ne bude smao to da sam ja jedina bila zrtva toga u ovome ukljuchujem sve one koji su u mojoj situaciji bili i nadam se da che za par godina s enachi vremena da se napravi jedna ako ne autobiografija li che biti jedna knjiga posvechena epopeji nasega vremena.Dok ovo tipkam  nalazim s eu bolnici na svome radnome mjestu gdje stvaram sviju karijeru i,u nadi i zelji da nitko nechi imati priliku da bude tu gdje sam ja bila u raksoraku izmedju proslosti i budochnosti

Anonymous said...

It's funny how the people who started the war see themselves as victims.To say that Bosna was a part of Serbia is a crock of you know what! Check your historical facts! To blame the Croatians for wanting there own country (which they have tried to get back since the 9th century) is something only simple minded people would do. Complain about what they did during the war but forget what the Serbs did in Vukovar! You should have been there when it happened to talk about it. Anyway, may God bless you all (even the ignorant ones) and I only wish Pavelic was alive for this war because end would have been sweeter for Hrvatska!

Anonymous said...

To the person who posted before me: Your courageous troops killed and mined and burnt like no tomorrow. They killed 14,000 people in Krajina. They joined the war in Bosnia-Herzegovina when it was absolutely unnecessary. HVO troops in Bosna also turned against muslims behind their backs. They looted, mined, and killed in Mostar and to add insult to injury they got rid of the Stari Most. You are a ****** race and one day karma will punish your ****** country!!

Anonymous said...

Ovo je message za ivan - croat from deutschland. Tvoja country i tvoj narod su ******. Vi ste lizali picke od svakoga jebo ga samo da dobijete "recognitionA" za vasu picku hrvatsku. Al jedan dan, vasa hrvatskah ce gorti i gorit, dok nestane ustasha kao ti. Oh, i another thing Ivane, znam jarane iz Mostara sto su citali tvoju pricu. Oni jedva cekaju da stave svoje ruke na tvoju glavu. Al sta sta su hrbvati radili srbima u 1940s u Hitlers killing death camps jel dikkhead? Lets forget this and pretend da je never ****** happened.
- M Kovacevic, Australia

Anonymous said...

Someone on here mentioned the book 'Zlatas Diary" i have read that book 5 times, the girl Zlata was way more lucky than some people where during the war. She escaped, where as my family n i couldnt escape. Many dont think i remember anything during thoes hard times, because i was a baby when the war started but i remember more than anyone in my family.I believe thoes who survived are the luckiest people. I am a proud muslim girl, and i dont let Serbs give me **** because i am muslim and because i am from Sarajevo. Now when it think of everything, i am so proud of me and my family for staying in Sarajevo way after the war had finished. Just shows how devoted people are to their country
-Dajana, Australia

Anonymous said...

Sta vam je ljudi!! Rat je bio prije 10 godina i vi se jos svadate oko kojo kriv i ko nije. Znam da se ovo nemoze zaboravit ali sta ce vam bit...Jeli vam ista bolje kad jebete Muslimanima ili Srbima mater i kazete im "VI STE KRIVI" Budite sretni sto ste jos zivi...kolko je raje izginulo a vi se svadate ko idioti oko necega sto je bilo prije 10 godina, oko necega sto se nemoze promjenit. Svi smo mi krivi...i Muslimani i Srbi i Hravati...niko od nasi nije sjedio i gledo! Sta je bilo - bilo je, nema nazad samo ispred.
- Tiki, Sarajevo (Live in Aus.)

Anonymous said...

Hi Dajana, i know i agree with both you and Tiki. Actually i agree more with Dajana when she says Serbs wont give her any more s***! Well I can understand your point! Serbs didnt give me any s*** but Cros did! Ja bi njiha sve pogusio hrvate sve masovno bi pogusio. I ja sam musliman, radim za jednu agenciju ovdje u australiji, and I am truly appalled in how many people forget to mention the Serbs as victims too..:) Srebrenica happened and it is terrible. We had a seminar here that many hodza attended to commemorate it. But who reading this now knows that 14,000 Serbs (including women and children) were massacred when Croat troops invaded Srpska Krajina in 1995? I bet many Muslimani dont know that or dont want to know that or dont care.! Well we must care, coz we must also know that it happened! Eh Sve najb0olje.. And hrvati - ja cu vama vratit zajam 10 puta sta ste vih meni uradili u Gornjoj Jasenici u vraziju marter vasu. This is a message samo za hrvate u Mostaru sto praze racizam muslimanima i srbima - jebite se u picku materinu! To je sve od mene. eselamu alejkum braco i sestre..:)
- Gorokan, Sarajevo

Anonymous said...

+sve srbe m jebes srbkinje ZA DOM   SpREMNI  tehhno kalderona mama guebo

Anonymous said...

+++jebes gluqweruiop srbina tosu   pickice doci vlase tate pasa JASE dobresu zenice
- aravi, HR i BIH  

Anonymous said...

Zivot i Bosna je, Bosna je, Bosna zauvjek . . . Zivot i Bosna je, Bosna je , Bosna zauvjek . . . Mojoj dusi ljek zauvjek. . . Ljudi moji, Bosanci , Hrvati, Srbi , Albanci, nemoj te mrziti , jer od toga nista necete stic... Krv je krv, bez obzira na vjeru... Ja sam ko sam, nemogu nit zelim da to promjenim... Kao sto je Lepa Brena rekla "Mani zemlju koja nema Bosne" . . . Jao !!!! Budite sretni sto ste zivi i zdravi , a ne brinite brigu o vjeri i politiki, jer to su samo sitnice... Mi smo Slavci prvo, i Slavci cemo ostati... (mislim  na Bosance, Hrvate i Srbe)...
-Sehada, USA

Anonymous said...

I went on a website just before a serbian website to be specific. I was so angered by wat i just read. This website basically defended Serbia. It showed disgusting photos of dead serbian people who they claim were "mutilated" by muslims. There was a phrase saying "they claim they have released photos of the srebrenica massacre where we see muslims being killed by serbs, but why havent they relised actuall vidoes of serbs being tortured, having there eyes poked out, having there heads cut off, being murderd and tortured by muslims". What annoys me off bout the serbian people is now that all thoes feral war criminals from serbia who r now in custody. They are now being charged with criminal n inhuman acts, everyone knows they committed thoes things even they kno but suddenly they are defending themselves n denying everything. The whole world knows evil men like Tadic,Radic,Ratko Mladic, Radovan Karadzic and many more comitted such crimes during the war. I just dont get how they dont have the guts to actually admitt they did such things. How can they even begin to deny it when there is documents saying they did. That website disgusted me so much as i read things...funny how they are so quick to defend all these men when i found names of all the War Criminals and funny enough they all happen to be SERB. Ofcourse BIH troops killed serbs in the war but thoes were cetniks these men were defending our country. I just am so angry the other day my parents reviled to me all the Propaganda that is going on about the war. Serbs claim that Bosnian army threw a bomb in sarajevo n they used dolls to make it look like there had been a massacre. What is this bullshit being said i am not just pointing the finger at serbs coz i dont like them...just i was born in sarajevo n was there till 1998 i was there for the whole war. My dad faught on the front lines he saw so many things n he has a great knowledge of whats true n whats pure bull. I dont have the enrgy to write anything else coz i am so angry but one more thing i just then read this paragraph saying that there was a genocide in Krajina. it says the cleansing that happend in Krajina was the biggest cleansing seen in Europe since World War II. They claim 200,000 to 300,000 people were killed. Wat is this website one about geez....they need to get there facts straight n relise the massacre in Srebrenica that killed 8,000 muslim men and boys was the biggest massacre seen since world war II. I dont see any documents or anything about 200,000, 300,000 serbs being murdered by Croatian Armys. My mum says that a radio station broadcasted from Pale i think. The station was a serbian only station where serbian people would feed stupid lies to people. This station bagged mulims, where they only had one view of the war n that was the serbian view. I just dont get why they lie so much its very disturbing. Serbs created War, Genocide, Pain and now they are creating lies. (i am not directing this to all serbs unlike most serbs i kno who offten call me "mujo" n who constantly give me a hard time)
-BOSNIAn girl from Sarajevo - Live in Aus.

Anonymous said...

hrvati su isto kao pacovi, kada se mnogo namnože oni počnu da ujedaju sami sebe i tako če se izgubiti. Ali to je dobra vijest biče više mijesta za rome  i šiptare .   mi romi smo ugneteni u horvatsku  iako smo spremniji nego horvati ali oni nama ne daju rabotu. Ali mi pamtimo riječi velikog vožda tita  , on je rekal snađite se drugovi  pa mi malo krademo malo naš bog perun pomaže i tako  živimo  a još hrvatice  damo im  opijum i one seuspavaju i mi ih posle liječimo . ajde bog i horvati.
-Gallus blayeus, lashsya

Anonymous said...

E raja da vam ja fino kazem. Vecinu zivota sam prove u Bosni (dio drage mi SFRJ). Rat poceo i mi fino stvari u sake pa preko grane u Hrvatsku odakle mi je otac rodom. Kad nas na granici zaustavi seljacina naka iz pizde materine, Vukovara, odakle li je...Elem da skratim, ne pusti nas seljo u Hrvatsku dje mi je baba/deda i vecina oceve familije. I sad neznamo kuda cemo pa preko Madjarske za Vojvodinu u kojoj smo proveli 3 godine prije nego smo dusli ovde u lijepu mi Kanadu. E sad malo papanluka (moram malo zaraziste me)..Ja sam hrvat/musliman po nacionalnosti (nikad nisam vijernik bio)... A najbolji prijatelji su mi vecinom srbi bili....Nikad nisam birao, niti mrzio...nemogu nisam tako odgojen... Ja mislim da je to sve do odgoja....Jebiga ako te familija odgojila da budes papak u zivotu, vala dzaba ti sve, vazda ces papak biti... Nikad mi nije u glavu islo sva ova mrznja i patnja.... Sad kad sam malo ostario, skontah.... BALKANSKI PRIMITIVIZAM...... Sto se mene tice vala mogu da 'nuke' citav balkan i da ga poravnaju i naprave parking od njega.... I AM A CANADIAN...... A vi se svi fino pusite i zivite u proslosti.. It's a sad fact that a nation so proud and with such a histori could not overcome this primitive mentality and move forward into the future as a strong member of EU... Peace..
-Bivsi Jugoslove, Canada

Anonymous said...

The war was what a decade ago...go to bosnia now and see how people are towards each other. No one speaks about the war no one cares what religion u are, where u are from because most of them have gotten over what happend. Since coming to Australia in 1998, i have met some of the biggest cetniks ever. And its not the old people but the young people. There are bloody teens here who i know, who abuse me because i am not serb, they still talk about the war and make s**t up along the way bagging muslims. They are people who didnt even live in bosnia during the now they come to australia and try to lecture me about what they think happend. My mothere told me that the war would have been long forgotten if it wasnt for the younger generation. Here in adelaide where i live there are serbs i know who basically despise other religions. every serbian club you go to you have stupid people showing the '3 fingers' it makes me sick seeing thoes three fingers. For thoes who have no idea what i am talking about the three fingers where shown whenever a non-serb was killed and whenever the cetniks had destroyed something that was owned by muslims or croats. It was basically their victory sign. I should hate serbs, they friken stole my childhood away, they poisoned my memories, destroyed everything but i dont hate them all. I am not like that. I will admitt i despise thoes who created the war in the first place and they were serbs so i do hate them. They got greedy and when they relised they coulnt have everything they killed innocent people, created genocide, destroyed lives for 5 years so for that they desrve to be hated. All thoes men like Arkan, Tadic, Mladic, Milosevic, Karadic desrve to be killed. They are rotten and dont deserve life. I know people my age who funny are serbs actually praise thoes men, makes me absoultley sick when they say they are legends. Them legends hah makes me laugh i bet their own mothers hate them. Serbs, Muslims, Croats all contributed to the war i cant say its fair to blame just serbia. But for all u serbs still in denial about everything...i am telling you know SERBS (i.e milosevic, karadic) DID START THE WAR...THEREFORE THEY ARE TO BLAME For a large majority of the killings that went on (but not all) Being born in sarajevo and having lived there till 1998, i ahve seen and gone through stuff very few people in australia go through. i am glad i stayed in sarajevo so long after the war, just shows how devoted my family and others are to sarajevo. If people continue to have desputes like this, if serbs keep fighting with muslims a feeling tells me in a couple years time history will repeat it self.
-Dajana, Australia

Anonymous said...

Well , Well , Well. I have to admit from 1995 till today i started new life in America and every time when Nostalgy hits my head about mine birth City Sarajevo i find some of this web sites and i am shoked what i see. I can't belive that some stupid kids from around ex Yu still talk about who is who and who is right and who's not. I love Bosnia and Herzegovina my City Sarajevo and i allways will but i will not come back to live there maybe one day to leave my bones on holy ground by my house on Bascharsija. Reason for that is right here writen on this web site, people would never leave that stupid mentality of i have you don't , papanluk, seljacine and anger. I wish that we can change the borders that Dayton's peace agreement made and move the f***ers back over Sava where they belong. Puno ljubavi i pozdrava svim onim pravim starim Sarajlijama from Sonny (now in Washington DC)

Anonymous said...

Yo amo a bosnia
yo quiero a bosnia
yo deseo a bosnia.
Solo quiero decir, desde spain, muchos saludos y muchos besos a todos los bosnios_musulmanes i que les den por el culo a esos p*tos serbios de m***da, fachas de su p*to pais, que se j***n. I love bosna I f*** srbija I  a volim bosnu.
-dino s. k

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Serbs can't have something that wasn't theirs to begin with...Brcko will always be MUSLIM!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

brcko is not muslim, or serbian or croatian it is BOSNIAN!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Brcko is Serbian. Vukovar is serbian. Kraijna and Slavonija is serbian. W the great Serbian. W the war. I hope that all muslim and croatian must die.

Anonymous said...

I am not Muslim nor am I a serb. I was sent to Brcko with the U.S Army. I can't begin to understand the emotional pain that you are going through. I can however say that I have seen the pain on the faces of the children as they beg for food or the old ones as they walk around with no home carrying all that they own I do remember going to the mass graves and finding dead bodies (skeletons)all over the farms and fields. My unit would conduct patrols and I remember seeing folks looking happy for a change as we would walk by. I did't know if they were serb,muslim or just someone happy that today they may not be removed from their home, raped, killed or beaten.

I made some great friends in Bosnia and I wish I knew what became of them. I was there almost two years and to this day I still think about it often. I only wish I could have seen this graet country in all her glory before the war.

May God bless you.
U.S Army BiH 95-97

Anonymous said...

It's good to know that Bosnia or even the world is in good hands. I didn't go through the war, but I watched it from a far on the news. I was only a kid when it started. I really didn't understand why this was happening. I was born in Canada but my childhood was spent in this beautiful country that is no more. I was hoping to go back next year, not a day goes by without me thinking about the beauty of Bosna. It's sad to hear the hatred people have in their hearts. It's understandable though. You now have to live beside the people you fought.Which shouldn't have happened in the first place. But this has been happening since MAN was first put on this planet. Serbs, Bosniaks, Croats, Jews, Arabs, Irish Protastents, Irish Catholics, I could go on forever. If you're different I hate you, is the human motto. If you look, believe in something different I kill you, is the human motto. And make sure you teach your children that too. You wouldn't want them to become friends with the kid that's black or believes in something different then you. I hear that Brcko is the only city with different ethnicities living and working together. I think maybe there is hope. But then I think those idiots will **** it up again. And that was intended for all ethnicities. You're all the same. The only difference is that you believe in something different. That simple. Think about it. I believe there are aliens. Will you shoot me? This is Emina coming to you from the beautiful MULTICULTURAL city of Toronto.

Anonymous said...

Hi, I have lived in Brcko for 10 years. I was born and raised there. Now, currently I live in The United States of America. I think that Brcko is a very pretty city. It is one of the best cities in Bosina. I had to move from Brcko, because of the war. I went to visit a couple of times, and I don't know when will I return to brcko. I really MISS IT. Edvina

Anonymous said...

Brcko has never belonged to the muslim ethnic group, because there were serbs before muslims came to the teritory of the balkans. The first muslims "came" to brcko (balkan) in the time of the osman kingdom. the janicars take the serbs away from there families and said them if you dont convert to the islam we will kill your hole familiy ! so the serbs were afraid of the thought and convert to the islam. and if you dont belive me ask the "hodjas" in the islam churches and they will tell you the same story that i told you! Sincerelly Dimitrije Jovicic (last of the familiy of jovicic´s, the lords of the teritory brcko,bijeljina in the years 1372-1722)

Anonymous said...

Hehehe !!! i have read many of these stories on top... I am a bosnian muslim from the town of brcko . I dont have hate for anyone esspecially the serbs. There are some bad apples though who need to be tought a few historical lesson of brcko. If we remember correctly april 1992, i dont reccall anyone leaving on their own decision most of the muslim population was simply expelled. some were sent to the town of brezovo polje and other were sent to conc. camps in brcko such as luka, partizan etc... all of the possesions still left were taken by our serb brothers and property was inhabited by serb refugees from croatia. Its funny how some of our fellow serbs forget the fact that thousands of muslims and croats were massacered in brcko during 93 94, and then they can call the city their own. So just move in kill half the population and kall it your own.... GOOD STUFF! the funny thing is like i mentioned before is that the serbs calling this city their own at the moment were not even from there before the war. so spare me the politics....and let muslim and croat refugees return home. Just came back from brcko not long ago ...and tell you what i could not stop laughing and thinking how good thinks turned out...everyone is at each others throats while we are here in Australia living the good life.. So the serbs that were involved in the attrocities and exppelsion of muslims and croats from brcko,we are all enjoying the good life of foreign countries while you wait to find money for your next meal ...AND PRETTY MUCH WAITING TO DIE..

Anonymous said...

Before the agresion Brchko was predominantly Bosniaks (Muslims). City itself had about 52000 citizons. 9500 of serbs, 2500 of croats and about 40000 of Bosniaks(Muslims). Serbs slotered up to 7-8 thousand inocent civilians in concentracion camps. Nine years after the agresion remains of my father are not found yet. I survived execution in Partisan gimnastic hall wich was one of well knowen killing camps in Brcko.

Anonymous said...

When I see all this, how much we Muslims were hurt by Serbs...I am from Krajina Prijedor. It wasn't easy to leave and rebuild everything again but if it happens again to my family, then all of us Bosnian Muslims will use all means to help Bosnians with billions. Unfortunately I have bad news for the Serbs; they'll never be able to slaughter us so naively; We've taken measures against this: in every home we have grenades, and I get the word out where i study and wherever I've been and I think that will be the biggest punishment, bigger than the Hague...

Anonymous said...

I go to a school with a lot of former Yugoslavians and there is no one who is getting into the other's ***. The opposite is the case, some of these are best friends, because they realized that we have to try to let rest all and give the enemy the hand. Then freedom can begin. All people were hurt, so let the revenge rest.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

WTF R U ALL TALKING ABOUT?! Shut up and enjoy your life. I'm a Serb from Brcko, and I know that it's hard to live in this small town all together again - "Croatians-Serbs-Muslims society",(because of the war in wich so many people lost they lives, so many people lost thei love ones) but the war has ended,finally, and Brcko is now multinational town again,and practicaly it does not belong to anyone). And if everyone would at least try to live together in Brcko, wihout this hate that everyone is arguing about, then maybe we can avoid beginning of another war, and again losing so much innocent lives of the people we love so much!!! Think about it! p.s. I hope nobody is offended by these things I've said.

Anonymous said...

jebem vam mater nacijonalisticku.toliko od mene

Anonymous said...

bilo muslimansko,srpsko ili hrvatsko ja ga ne volim,zato sto ljudi nevaljaju,najgori ljudi koje sam srela u zivotu.svi su oni jedna nacija -usrani brcaci zana

Anonymous said...

Mijesto( gradovi, sela itd) koje vidite na karti BOSNE i HERCEGOVINE znaci da pripada BiH, nema tu price. A druga je stvar kad Srbi misle da nesto njima pripada kad nije istina, da je Brco Srpsko bilo bi u Srbiji. I za one koji psuju i svasta pricaju na ovoj stranici i postavlja sutite spustite se na zemlju, nije vam ovo '92 mozete lahko naj----- I to sto je neko rekao da mi Bosanci smo prije nekad samo bili Srbi ili Hrvati de to molim te dokazi... ustvari Bosanci prije 100 i vise godina smo imali sam svoje pismo koji su cak i Hrvati pisali i ucili posebno iz gradova kao Livno. Poslije nekog vremena poceli smo pisat kao i dan danas zato sto je bilo puno teze za pisat a posebno za citat. Za molila bih pojedine PAPKE da RAZMISLE vrlo dobro sta postave na stranice prije nego sto reklamisu da svi citaju. GLUPI STE, posebno za pismene ljude koji citaju vase komentare. Normalna stvar svak voli svoje ali ozbiljno razmilite malo prije nego sto nesto kazete makar budi te REALNI..Nemate se sta brukat preko neta i pokusavat dokazat da Brcko pripada drugoj drzavi osim Bosni, kad jedno stavno niste upravu. Zbog papaka kao pojedini Srbi na ovoj stranici je zapoceo rat. Nema mi nista gore nego kad neko komentarise i raspravlja se o'politiki kad nikad nije vidio/vidjela grada, mozda jedino na karti!

Anonymous said...

moja prica bi zvucala ovako: ja sam djevojka sa save,brcko je moj najmiliji grad,kada sam ga 1992 godine napustala imala sam 16 godina i mislila sam da se u njega vise nikad vratit moju veliku srecu prvi puta nakon rata otisla sam u svoje rodno mjesto prije dvije godine iz daleke australije.osjecaji su bili malo izmjesani,najprije sam plakala dok sam prelazila preko gunjarskog mosta a onda srce mi je bilo puno prkosa i srece jer ja sam se opet vratila,jer se ostvarilo nesto za sto sam vjerovala da se nikad ostvariti nece.jos uvijek su me pratili ruzni prizori,ono kad krenes carsijom pa ovdje je zivio ovaj ovdje je zivio onaj,ova je kuca zapaljena,isto kao i moja,ovdje je zivjela moja prijateljica koja je silovana,itd.po mojoj prici moze se zakljuciti koje sam vjeroispovijesti,mislim da je suvisno to isticati. moja poruka je samo da "oni" opet nista nisu dobili ali moju poruku je tesko objasniti neobrazovanom covjeku je li tako!? ja sam sretna jer opet pored svega prezivljenog mogu da volim i mogu u svoj grad da se vratim, a oni nikada sretni nece biti jer oni ne znaju sta sreca znaci. hvala

Anonymous said...

In 2002 I was in BRCKO as the only Canadian Soldier on the US camp. I enjoyed the opportunity to speak and make some friends. It did not matter to me if you were Serb, Croat or Bosniak. My point is that the country you have is beautiful, it is a shame that the war had damaged your country and fueled the hatred between all of you. Hopefully one day I may return and speak to you all again and rekindle some of the frienships.

Take Care

Anonymous said...

I went to High school in Brcko (Gymnazija Vaso Pelagic) 24 years ago. The best High School in the WHOLE WORLD it was. Witnessing all these sick stories on this web sight, I can not believe, that once there were normal people living in and around Brcko. I visited Brcko on 2003, and could not believe that I ever before walked down the same streets. I am still trying to overcome all painfull memories from that visit by bringing up those great ones from 1977-1981. No matter what had happened and who was killing who, during what appeared to be war brought in from out of our borders,[I hope, at least, all those intelligent Gimnazija students (and they all were)share this opinion with me]I would be the happiest ever to meet all my classmates from Gimnazija, and have my children meet their children. I still like and love talking, meeting and having "a cup of coffee" with all Titoslavija's nationalities and I raise my children with the same spiritual values. Greetings to all my bosnians at Brcko, Lopare, Kladusa, Kupres, Bugojno, Tuzla, Sarajevo, Bijeljina.

Petra, USA

Anonymous said...

I am not an Nationalist but i am a very pride Patriot who loves his country. I love the lakes the mountains and all the other things that are in my country. I adore our women, because our girls and women are the most beautiful women in the world. Everyone loves his country like i love mine, and all of you would say the same that i have said now. But you have to take seat and to think about all of that because if there are war and "genocids" in this for us beautiful country that part of the world will get ugly and the beautiful things will be destroyed ! Everyone of use lives in the same Country called Bosnia and Hercegovina, is it realy so important to get out the serb, muslim or croatian population out of Bosnia, why can´t we live like normal people, like it have been to the time of Josip Bros Tito? You should think about it! I am a serb but i dont hate any other ethnic groups!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I can't believe some of the things that I have read on this website. Whoever hates Serbs, Muslims, or Croats is just plain stupid. You are uneducated and probably have not read one book in your life but decide to listen to the ignorant people around you that continue to live in the thirteen hundreds,when our country was taken over by the Ottoman Empire. Who cares what religion you are, every person is worth the same. Because of people like you we have lost over 200,000 innocent lives. Who gives all of you the right to decide whose life is more important, that of a Serb, Croat, or Bosnian Muslim. Have you read what the heading said before you wrote your comments? It asked you to tell a story of Brcko not to argue about who the city belongs to. This is not the last time that we are going to have a war. it is not the last time that innocent people will loose their lives becuase of people like all of you idiots that life with such hate. Brcko was a beutiful city but all of you have destroted it and Brcko will never be any one's. Brcko belongs to former Yugoslavs, which included all Muslims, Serbs, Croats, Slovenes, Macedonians, and Montenegrins. In regard to all this hate, can you all please shut up and go to school so that you can get educated on very important facts that all of you are getting wrong. Your stupidity is what has killed everybody, I blame the deaths of all the innocent on your, your families and your friends ignorance.

Anonymous said...

People come on learn some Geography!!! You cant be Serb/Croat and Bosnian! My mother is a Muslim but is Croatian My cousin is Orthadox Christian and is Bosnian My brother is muslim and is Irish there is a difference between a country and a Religion!!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Why is every one still talking about who should own Brcko.. who cares.. thousands of peopel died over it.. and it shoudl never happen again.. Serb, Muslim, Croat.. where still all human..

Anonymous said...

Why is everyone say bad thigns to each over? You do realise it was powers like the US and over Western Nations that stirred hate in our nation? They were the ones that drew the new international borders, this time with the blood of all three of us. Bosnian, Croat or Serb...doesn't matter we are slavs...we are Yugoslavs.

Anonymous said...

1st and foremost, Muslims were in Brcko 1st. Serbs tried taking it in the war, didn't succeed,nobody won the war(we had less guns and still killed alot of you) serbs wanan stay in Brcko, stay don't try to change it, don't try to make it yours, shut up and get on with your filthy lifes.For those who say "well when we were yugoslavia we were all the same, so lets all be together now!" too late "a shame" but oh well milosevic ****** it up ya'll started it and we surprised you by killing you and it wasnt till we really started and tkain everything back till the americans came and stopped it, cause since muslims werent dieing anymore they wanted to stop. brcko bilo muslimansko i ustace muslimansko allah u ekber, tekbir

Anonymous said...

Woah guys calm down the war has finished. And you don't need to get so angry about religion its a load of crap anyway.

Anonymous said...

brcko is serbian and it will always be, all u muslims in bosnia are only SERBIANS who accepted the muslim religion, traitors. bye bye .. but for your information your grand grand grand fathers were all serbs and ORTHODOX wahaha lewsers ;) :P

Anonymous said...

Its spelt losers not lewsers...and if they were serbian back then they aint now. Im glad i aint serbian who wants 2 b a gypsy? And if brcko is serbian whys it in Bosnia?

Anonymous said...

ko je koga karo 500 godina glupane prekrsteni i ti si MUJO samo neces da priznas.sto su te prekrstili kad si se rodio?????????????

Anonymous said...

Hmmm very good comments in previous post as this is obviously a Serb. He thinks in Bosnia it's all Serbian just because over half a century ago most Bosnians were orginally Serbian. Well quite a few were bogumils! So you know as you said im dumb (glupane) is very clever to say since you dont know the whole history of Bosnia and its origins. Did you know south slavs are from around 1700 years back were Ukrainian and Russian? So does that make you Ukrainian or Russian? NO so Bosnians cant be Serbian then can they?

Anonymous said...

I am a teacher from Australia and I am considering the prospects of working in Brcko in 2006. After reading many of these articles I am becoming very sceptical and have grave concerns about working and living in Brcko. Are my concerns founded or is this simply a small minority of voices that I hear? I am of Serbian decent and was born in Australia. Is moving to Brcko a sound decision or am I moving to an area that is immersed in hatred?

Anonymous said...

I think Brcko belongs to people not to the serbs bosnians or croats. It's a city for everybody and i think people should understand that. It's stupid to say it belongs to them or to us.

Anonymous said...

When i see this all i can say is o my god... what a wretched people we have become... its so sad to see how a people that once lived together in happiness and harmony have grown to hate eachother as much as they do. its depressing.

i was born in brcko. some of the happiest times in my life were spent there with family and when i see what a bunch on insolent hicks write here ruins the legecy that was Yugoslavia. I am a child of a croatian father and a serbian mother and yet i stil classify myself as bosnian because bosnia was the one true refuge of working class who was happy with what he had even though that was never much.

when the war came the few got rich from the blood of the innocent and the rest were fulled by fear and ignorance. stories that were passed down from generation to generation grew into something much bigger than they were and took over a religious connotation and brought about what actually happened. a terrible civil war which saw best friends, neighbours and brothers turn on eachother because of a measily few possesions that the other had. as the saying goes "nije rat rat, dok ne digne ruku na brata brat". we had something that is very hard to find in thsi world, and that is true happiness.

i currently live in australia, a country in which i posses more goods, cars, in general materialistic possesions then i probably ever would if i lived in the country of my birth and yet no one that travels abroad is ever as happy as they were with their own people.

believe it or not people from ex-yugoslavia actually stick together here and fend for one another no matter what reliegion they are. its us against the world, and yet in the country of our birth people are fighting over land which doesnt belong to neither. you should all count urselfs lucky to be living/have lived in a land such as the ex-yugoslavia. its sad to see that some of the best and truest words are spoken by a foreigner, a US soldier (amongst other good hearted people) while in the meantime serbs, muslims and croats are spiting on each other on this website. how low we have sunk... a once proud people whome even russia were afraid to invade are fighting amongst eachother like animals over a square meter of land but remember, dead people dont need land. people are trying to justify loosing loved ones in the war by hating the "other side".

ive lost family, most of us have. but this is no reason to hate others because no one won in this war. no one. the little gain that was to be had was far overshadowed by the loses that were suffered on all sides. u allowed to be manipulated by criminals from "Goli Otok" and a petty few generals who had visions of their own self grandom and all they had to do was stimulate the parts of u that detested the "other sides" and the rest all went from there. in the end the JNA (yugoslavian national army) made the ultimate mistake by siding with the serbian side isntead of seezing control of the country and then ordering nationwide elections to be held with all sides represented and keep yugoslavia in-tact as it was written in the constitution but they failed to do so. the outcome as we all know was devestation.

i often get the nostalgic feeling and the need to come back to the city of my birth to see my family and relatives. but when this happens all i need to do is come to the internet and see a site such as this one and read what the scum like most of you have to say about eachother. i woudl rather never go back and keep my home as i remember it then tarnish its memmory with what i see here. and so i put on some yugoslavian music, bijelo dugme, merlin, halid, crvena jabuka etc. and remember how it used to be and the way i wish it always is....

U jednoj zemlji seljaka, na brdovitom balkanu....

Anonymous said...

hass, wut, aggression, schmerz, vernichtung... liebe, geduld, verständnis, vergebung, aufbau... warum? warum wird zerstört? egal welche frau, welches kind egal welcher herkunft von welchem mann egal welcher abstammung und religion vernichtet worden ist durch den tod, durch missbrauch, durch brutale vergewaltigung in egal welchem lande zu egal welcher zeit. warum ist der mensch so gemein, so kalt? welches land zu wem? die mensche die soetwas verrichten könnten dinge auch anders ausmachen, aber nein sie vergewaltigen, plündern und töten für ihr ego für ihren nationalen stolz, der so vergänglich ist wie ihr eigener körper, so schlecht wie ihre eigene seel wenn sie so handeln. egal ob serben, muslime, juden, sinti und roma zur zeit des zweiten weltkrieges im kroatischen konzentrationslager Jasenovac vernichtet wurden, oder muslimische, serbische, kroatische männer sich an frauen ebenso verschiedenster ethnischer gruppen vergriffen und sie liebte und sie heiraten wollten oder vergewaltigen als genugtuung ihrem feinde gegenüber oder einfach weil sie sich endlich mal bestialisch ihren ursprünglichen trieben hingeben konnten ohne das sie gleich im gefängnis landen. friede sei mit euch und vergebung um die toten und die nationalisten unter uns. egal in welchem krieg, man sieht es bringt nichts als kummer und inneren tod.

Anonymous said...

Brcko -bosnia and herzegovina not serbian not muslim not catolic brcko belongs to all of us brcko with out muslims ,catolic or srbian is not brcko hello from brcko girl

Anonymous said...

THIS IS KINDA LONG BUT HEAR GOES... wow...ok first of all i lived threw the whole war in bosnia and iv seen it all.

i was in mostar.

i moved to the USa in 1998 because of the situation in bosnia and to tell you the truth i could not be any happier but i listen to our music to imagain how it would be to live back home in a country where i am among my people and my family. to know what it feels like to live in a place like here. there are so many diffrent people here in american... americans mexicans germans canadians bosnian serbs croatians cubans brazilians and so many difrrent religions and no oneee have i seen ever say to one another " i hate you because you are muslim or christina" pepole live soo well together and i always wonder why cant people live like that in bosnia or serbia or croatia.

my grandpa would always tell me how he usto sit with his croatian and serbian friends and drink coffee every morining and how they would go out with there sheeps and cows and look for girls(:)) but when i went back to bosnia in 2002 it was soooo diffrent

thers NASA STRANA I NJIHOVA STRANA i was like what the heck are you talking about... i cant even cross the dam bridge with out someone saying something about nihova strana i nasa strana

i mean who is anyone to claim anything in this world

it dosent belong to anyone and it never will

why cant people just relize what war does to people

some people learn from there mistakes but some people just hit REPEAT.


i mean i can understand from all viwes that there familys have been killed, but dont teach me hate , because all i want to do is to be able to go back to my country one day and live in peace among my family and be able to say I AM FINALLY HOME AND I WANNA STAY HERE.

i wanna say what i feel and not get smacked on the back for saying it.

and im sure my little brother wants to go back and play with all his old friends milan and admir and enes and marko.

he doesnt know what it means to be a serb or a bosnian or a croatian but he knows what it means to be a muslim and to love everything that god has created. i will not ever teach him to hate anyone because of there name and there religion or where they are from. even though my parents are very religious muslims and so am i i go to Dzamija and i read the kuran but i loveee to learn about difrrent religions. i could sit there day and night and just listen to people talk about what they belive in because its so intresting and i am so young and i have so much to live for.

even though the war took away almost all of my childhood and i never did go on a decent vacation to neum or to where ever people go i know that my kids will be able to one day because i wont teach them hate and discimination.

i know that you cant compare one person to another or one country to another but if people in american can live in peace and not call one another a mexican or a black then why cant people over there.

i just dont understand.

i am not stupid i have read more than one book about every country in the world and i know what happend in Rwanda and what happend in Somalia and wht happend in Bosnia and in Serbia and in not ignorant to anything.i read things but id ont take them to the heart because if i did id be in a spider web of thoughs about what happend.

i can also undeerstand why people hate. everyone has there reason. of family loss or what not.but i have no idea why people cant forgive but not humans we all make mistakes and some are worst than others but we alll learn. some too late some never.

from my parents iv learned to forgive but not to forget what had happend because my father has been threw a lot. i did not see him for nearly 6 years because he was in "Logor" and my uncle for nearly 10 years because we did not know where he was.

i can go on for ever.i guess all i am trying to say is that while people back in bosnia and serbia and croatia STILL hate on one another ME AND THE SERBS AND CROATS and blacks and mexicans and americans ARE living the good life here. we r making friends and we r not constantly reminded of what is going on .. we are kids and we just want to go to school and have a good life and not worry about where we are going to get our next peice of bread from or drop of water.

so untill everyone just starts being nice to one another or at least cival towards one another WE R GOING TO GET NO WHERE IN THIS. and we will have a repeat of Rwanda and the Hutsis an Tustis.

so people move on with ure life live life and enjoy everything that god gave you in this life because some other people in the world are not as lucky as you are. dont take people or life for granted because ull regret it. and this is comming from a 17 year old... if anyone has a reply to this u can feelll free to email me about is im not afraid to speak my mind and tell u how i fell because iv been hurt in this experiance just as much as you have been maybe more maybe less...

Anonymous said...

Hi. I lived in Brcko during the war. I was not born in Brcko but as all Muslims and Croats had to leave Brcko and go to live somewhere else, I left my hometown Visoko and came to live in Brcko. Someone else lived in my house in Visoko and I lived in someone else’s house in Brcko, we are all familiar with this. For same reasons that you Muslims and Croats left Brcko, I left Visoko. I was not physically abused, but I was threatened to be. I know that all of us suffer similar pain. I am not Orthodox not Muslim and especially not Croats. I am undecided; I am Yugoslavian. My parents are different religion and they never pushed me toward any religion even when war started. I believe in God. My parents are still together and I live in America where all people are equal. I spend my best years in Brcko even that war was on. I do understand that people are in pain because they lost their loved once, just like me but that does not mean that I should hate all Muslims. My best friend from my chilled hood that lives in Visoko was writing me a letters during the war and I wrote to her to. We still communicate. I have friends that are Muslims, I have friends that are Croats, Serbs and I will always have them as friends. My advice for you that still live in Brcko, please do not listen those idiots that tells you Brcko is Muslim or Serbian, or Croats. Brcko belongs to all of you, enjoyed living there in peace.

Anonymous said...

Narode dok je god takvih idiota,,koji sebi dozvoljvaju da se uopste ovde oglase necemo imati mira..Rat koji je nasem jadnom i glupom narodu nametnut,,sto nazalost kako vidim jos niste shvatili.Da sve se to desilo kako se desilo,,ali rat nisu vodili samo Srbi,,al ne zelim o tome da pisem,,nego samo da vas podsetim,kad vec zivite u proslosti,,na drugi svetski rat.Svabe nas godinama mucili,,uostalom znate istoriju nadam se,,a sada im lizete guzice i pricate kako su dobri i bla bla bla.A da su oni jedni od krivaca sto se desilo nasem narodu toga jeste ali ne zelite biti svesni.Toliko od jedne Brcanke,pozdrav svim koji do kraja procitaju pa se na kraju malo zamisle i pomisle jer nesmiju naglas reci,,,a sam u pravu....

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

There are many things I’d like to say. I mean a lot of things I have to say about my birthplace. Well, I was born in a small town in north-east Bosnia. The name of this place is Brcko. I wouldn’t be able to say how the town got its name (it’s pronunciation, most likely, should be Brrchko) except that somehow I can’t say its name easily. The only consonant “o” comes too late and it does too little after the spiky and dominant letters B,R,C,K. But it’s just a name and who cares?

Well, I attended my primary and secondary school there. The primary school, Jelenka Vockic, wasn’t too far from the place where my parents lived, just a short walk down the street. The railway tracks were in close proximity to the school. Every day I had to cross them. Actually, they were not the real railway tracks, just a no through section used by a local factory and which ended a couple hundred meters away towards the city.

I don’t remember anything particular from that period except that the main entrance of the school lead into a hall with a stunning aquarium. The light of the water was bluish and bubbles glittered all around the water tank. Various coloured fish were really exciting for me. Oh, yeah, my memories are now so vivid and fresh that I can almost sense the smell of the school. Well, as they used heavy duty floor grease in some classrooms the air was always full of the peculiar smell.

Later in life, I found the same smell again when I was in the army (compulsory one year) service at a garrison in quite a different part of the country.

The people in the school, teachers and staff, I memorize, of course. I remember their physical appearances, at least. Now, I have a picture in mind of a history professor. He was a tall fellow. He was’t very funny, from the perspective of a ten year old boy. It was probably because of his somewhat darkish appearance and black moustache. He was a really tall person and he always wore a black leather jacket. I don’t know why people who wear dark leather jackets are scary for me, but they are (not to mention people in shiny boots, God forbid). Moreover, if they frown and scowl their appearance could be even more terrible. The same psychological effect was used by the secret police during the communist period. That person took quite a different role in some historical events in the city, twenty years later.

Anonymous said...

Ja sam SRPSKI MUSLIMAN... Rodjen sam u Brckom i zao mi je sto vise nezivim u takom prelijepom gradu. Narod sa podrucja bivse Jugoslavije dopustijo je da zapadne sile uniste zemlju u kojoj su zivjeli juzni Sloveni. Trenutno studiram istoriju Balkana u Kanadi i pratim vase komentare. Ako poznajete Balkansku istoriju, shvatili bi da velike imperije su vladale na toj teritoriji i ocrtavale granice prema svom interesu. U tome, Brcko trenutno nepripada ni jednoj etnickoj grupi i vrlo je tesko predvidjeti buducnost tog grada.

Anonymous said...

Selam Alejkum i pozdrav svima. Smijesno a Bogami i zalosno da citas ovo sto je napisano..vidi se koliko smo nepismeni i koliko gledamo ispred sebe a ne oko nas... ...treba uciti, citati i proucavati. Treba voljeti jer je to JEDINI razlog zbog kojeg je Bog stvorio ljude na zemlji...ako je Bog, Bog...nije se rodio i vjecan je..onda On ne treba nas, ali nas je ipak stvorio da zivimo, stvorio nas je iz ljubavi, a vidi sta mi radimo.... Zapamtimo: "Ko ubije jednog nevinog covjeka, kao da je ubio citavo covjecanstvo...a ko pomogne jednog nevinog covjeka, kao da je pomogao citavo covjecanstvo." Rekao je Bog. Stvoritelj covjeka!!! Mersad Imamovic Brcko DIstrict Born in 1982 Went to OS "Djuro Pucar Stari" SELAM I POZDRAV SVIMA.... P.S. Ako je neko dobre volje a znamo se...neka se javi na yahoo messenger... "imersad"

Anonymous said...

jebem van mater srpsku brcko je bosansko i uvjek ce biti

Anonymous said...

zavrsio sam gimnaziju "vaso pelagic", brcko, 1983-e, otisao u vojsku, pa na studije u srbiju kasnije sam samo povremeno svracao u brcko, zadnji put pred rad 1992-e, a kad je izbila frka u bijeljini, ja sam se preko tuzle i zvornika vratio u srbiju - u zadnji cas nisam bio ni mobilisan ni dobrovoljac, a nakon rata, bio sam dvaput u brckom, 2003 i 2004 zainteresovani za kontakt?

Anonymous said...

Let's prove that we, Gimnazija VP Brcko students 1977/81 generation, are not poisoned with nationalism and religious loath. Let's work on getting back together (30 years of graduation is going to be 2011) and meeting in Brcko greater than ever before, which we should help in improving, beautifying and enriching. I hope you are all with me on this one. Let's work on Brcko being reborn better, safer and culturally richer than ever was. Forgive could only those who loved and we love now and had loved Brcko once before.;

Anonymous said...

srbi pa vi propadate vraca vam bog za sve cak se i slobe mrtav u grobu okrece
hahaah jednom ste zamolo prezeli brcko ali se nedaju balije sravnili ste bosnu
a vidi nas sad veci smo nego vi mozete nam pusit nasu osunecenu kitu ha ja

Anonymous said...

I am using this opportunity to call upon administrator's judgment, and to ask
him to carefully read every posting. Those postings filled with the language of
hate should be immediately erased. If you want to stick to your principles, than
you should do that without any hesitation. I was born, raised and I also lived
in Brcko until 1998. I moved to USA in 1999 in a search for a better life. I had
pretty much of success in that. I do care about my City, because my parents
still live there. If we stop to think as Bosnians, Serbs and Croats than I think
this city has great opportunity to become one of the wealthiest regions in all
Balkans. Think about that.

Anonymous said...

ne razumijem nikako,,da vecina vas udara glavom od zid,uvijek samo jedno
ponavljajuci.Ili Brcko je Srpsko,ili Brcko je muslimansko,.Hajde nek mi neko
objasni u cemu je razlika.Jesmo jedni ljudozderi,a jedni mesozderi pa delite
grad,koji je svima nama puno dao,na ovo ili ono.Sto rece jedan momak ovde.Kada
ubijes jednog nevinog coveka kao da si ubio citavo covecanstvo,ili ako pomognes
jednoma,kao da si pomogao citavom covecanstvu.Daj narode osvijestite se.Rat
bio,hvala Bogu,Alahu,Budi ili vec kome zavrsio se

Anonymous said...

Hello all good Citizens of Brcko.

I am from Australia and wish to get in email contact with someone from Brcko who is currently living there and has a digital i wish for you to help me chear up someone who was born there who now calls down under home.

Your heritage is not important. So make a choice with the below email
1. Email me and help
2. Email and abuse
3. Forget this request all together

but remember what ever your heritage how you respond to this will be representing your brothers and sisters so try and keep personal opions out of

So thanks mates in advance

and Email
HSVgoodstuff AT hotmail

Anonymous said...

mamu vam prljavu cigansku cijeli svijet za vas prica da ste prljavi i da ste smrdili na govno kad je nato bio dole.. jedino sto su zapamtili od jednog cetnika je bilo da smrdi, da je glup ko kurac i da izgleda ko majmun.. mamu vam srpsku

Anonymous said...

E upravo citam i ne mogu da vjerujem,sta se desilo sa ljudima.Kakvi muslimani,kakvi srbi i ostali,pa svi smo mi ljudi valjda.Daj se malo opustite.Pzdarav od davora iz Lilla

Anonymous said...

A ti sto pljujes po srbima i sto ne znas da nakon svake tacke ide veliko slovo.Vrati se 500 godina unazad pa ces vidjeti da si i ti samo poturceni srbin ili hrvat i da nisi pravi musliman.Eto toliko i pozdrav.Mister No

Anonymous said...

Poturice pusite!Mi cemo biti SRBIJA.Pozdrav sa LAUSHA.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

srbi mamu vam jebem šiptarsku.cjeli svjet zna da ste napadali tudu zemlju i klali nevinu djecu.sad nas mrzite jer niste uspjeli ukrast tudu zemlju i zato jer ste popušili ogroman hrvatski kurac.ZAŠTO SRBI NE VOLE METEOROLOGE?JER NISU PREDVIDJELI OLUJU!!! LOPOVI PROKLETI,UBOJICE,CIGANI ŠIPTARI.NEMOJTE GLUMIT DA NE VOLITE ŠIPTARE ZATO JER STE I SAMI ŠIPTARI.NAŠI SU SE BORILI AL NISU UBIJALI DJECU ŽIVOTINJE JEDNE ISTOCNJACKE

Anonymous said...

Ivan Ljubicic was born in Banja Luka. And that is not only a story, but STORY IN THE MAKING !!!!

Anonymous said...

I am an English man living in Banja Luka for twenty months. The people are the kindess in the world and the place is so lovely that I have made it my second home after London, even though I am a BIG Chelsea FC fan! Come and see what you are missing. Ken Fowler

Anonymous said...

jebem ja vasu srbiju yugoslavio jugoslavio pusi kurac ko te jebe more BOSNA i bestebe

Anonymous said...

jebem ja vasu srbsku mater u supak, budale jedne, i vrati se u srbiju pusi tamo kurac, magarac jedan.

Anonymous said...

ja se zovem alisa bojic. zivim u londonu od 1995 godine. rodena sam u banja luci. bila sam u ratu, i jako mi je tesko, i danas dan. cjela mi je familija u drugim drzavama i jos ih nikad nisam vidjela. bila sam u banja luci prvi put poslje rata, nisam mogla da prestanem plakati od tuge... moj zivot nikad nece biti kako je bio prije rata!!! zasto je rat morao da pocne i da nas sve unisti??? je li rat poceo zato sto nismo svi ista nacija??? ZASTO???

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Ja sam iz Banjaluke i svi vi sto pisete tamo negdje iz pizde materine da je ljepo ovde, ustvari nemate vi pojma. Moze se ovde ziviti samo kada bi ljudi imali dobar posao, dobru platu i kada bi imali gdje da zive

Anonymous said...

My name is Jon, I was in Banja Luka in 1997 with the U.S. Army. The city and country was beautiful. I wish to go back there someday with my family and show them the differance between when i was there and present day. If you have any pictures of the country in 1997, i would be so pleased if you could e-mail them to me. All my pictures were burned in a fire. CERT32ADAM@HOTMAIL.COM

Anonymous said...

My name is Alisa and i am 23 years old. i live in London for 10 years now i suffered very bad during the war in Banja Luka. SOME OF YOU HATE BANJA LUKA, BUT THATS YOUR PROBLEM. there should not be not church or cirilica, Banja Luka should stay the way it was. because of Serbs my life is distroyed and never will be the same. You Serbs even destroyed peoples lives from Kosovo!!! BECAUSE OF YOU WE ARE ALL OVER THE WORLD, SOME OF US DIED AND LOST THERE FAMILY. WHEN I WENT TO BANJA LUKA FOR THE FIRST TIME I CRIED BECAUSE I HAD TO LEAVE BY COUNTRY ITS ALL YOUR FAULTS. I AM SORRY TO SOUND LIKE THIS BUT YOU HAVE RUIND MY LIFE AND MY FAMILY'S AND THE REST OF PEOPLES TOO. IF ANY-ONE HAS SOMETHING TO SAY PLEASE E-MAIL ME. sweetie_lisa AT THANK YOU...

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

A jebo ti svoju mamu a NE muslimanskoj. ti si dubre veliko jebse tamo. sta te boli briga od republike?

Anonymous said...

My name is Tina and I'm a Serb, living in Slovenia...My father was from Banja Luka and I still have alot of family mambers living there. Alisa I think you are to nacionalistic, because you were out of your city for so long that you think people are still shooting themselves... I say: Live and let live. Athough Banja Luka was never muslim, as far as I know were there Serbs the majority. And I don't have anything against Croats or Muslims, they are people just like us

Anonymous said...

Volim Banjaluku i Banjalučane, ali teško je živjeti u gradu i državi u kojoj ima toliko mnogo mržnje. Čini mi se da svaki dan ima sve više i više loših ludi u cijelom svijetu i zbog toga ćemo svi trpiti. Trebali bismo biti mnogo humaniji. Mnogi ste napisali jako ružne stvari o BL i o ljudima ovdje, ali te riječi mnogo više govore o vama i ružnoći koju nosite u srcima.

Anonymous said...

prokletu im majku jebem nakusaju mi se surutku od patku, kevu im nabijem mrtvu na kolac

Anonymous said...

prokletu im majku jebem nakusaju mi se surutku od patku, kevu im nabijem mrtvu na kolac mislim na "alisu" i takve kurve, majku im... SRBIJA RULES i ceo svet ce (jednom) biti SERBIA, a vi muslimani, siptari, hrvati i svi ostali mi se privatite za kurac, jebem vam familiju..... hhhhmmmmm "SAMO VAS POSMATRAM" hahahahaha Sutra cu da vas koljem pozdrav SRBIN

Anonymous said...

Milosevic je umro ali je nadzivio vasu obadvojcu bog ga je cuvo malo duze da vas kazni za sve ono sto ste uradili za vreme vladavine turaka prvog drugog i sada ovog rata jebem vam sve fasisticko kanite se nas djavoli jedni mi imamo nasu republiku SRPSKU a vi vasu pederaciju..... OVO JE ZA SVE MUSLIMANE SADA sram vas bilo da se predstavljate kao da ste vi Bosanci i da je to vasa drzava VI nikad niste imali drzavu jer i neznate ni sami da ste poturceni i da u vama srpska krv tece vi ste srbi muslimanske religije.......

Anonymous said...

napokon je ono dzubre od milosevica krepalo. uskoro ce mo ukinuti RS, kosovo i crna gora ce se ocjepiti. onda ce mo cjelom svjetu uciniti uslugu i rjesiti se ovi srbski pacova i parazita. Trebamo ocistiti ovaj svjet od srba, zavrsiti ono sto je Hitler zapoceo. a posto vecinom citav svjet mrzi srbe, nevjerujem da ce biti tesko cicenje. smrt srbiji i svim srbima, kraj je skoro stigao mater vam jebem.

Anonymous said...

Banja Luka je najbolji grad !!! Volim je ja vise nego zivot svoj !Sada sam u americi ali bih zeljela da sam u svome rodnome gradu ..Banja luko puno mi nedostajes.

Anonymous said...

Banja 'Luko volim te najvise na svijetu!!!!!!!!!!!!! Puno mi nedostajes:(( Banja Luka Mejdan By:Vanda From:USA BOSTON

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Svi vi ste mnogo smijesni. Svi mi znamo ko je zapoceo rat i sta je bio cilj. Zao mi je samo muslimana i katolika koji su ubijeni,i opet sva ona zvijerstva koja su ucinjena bosanskom narodu nisu ga opametila. Jos uvijek je mnogo onih koji su zaboravili,a naj lijepse bi bilo da se njima to dogodi pa mozda se onda opamete. Zbog takvih kao vi sto, ste zaboravili i jeste bilo sto je bilo. A pogotovo svi ovi idioti iz Svedske,Danske,Njemacke itd.sto idu dole pa ulazu novac na srpske teritorije kao BL itd.treba i opet naguziti i opet im sve uzeti,pa mozda se opamete. Bluka nikad vise nece biti ono sto je bila,kad neko jednom shljegne sa brda i blata na asfalt i u carsiju,niko ga vise ne otjera. A vi srbi u Bluci,bas ste dobri kako ovi iz inozemstva kazu "ma odes u Bluku i srbi tj.bosanski pravoslavci za 10 maraka i guzice ce dati a pogotovo kopati cijeli dan dok mi tefericimo".

Anonymous said...

Hey there, I am Alan, A Yugoslav. I live in England. I think the posts on here are very sad. My late father was born in Croatia in 1932, was a refugee in Bosna during 1941 to 1944. He is now dead, I must say that in life, and since he had been through two wars, he has seen this sort of stupidity before. Ethnically we are Serbs, but I do not think ethnically. The people on here insult each others ' Nationality' , you talk about Mosques, and churches, you insult each others brand of 'One God faith' , and yet both Islam and Christianity come from the middle East, and culturally, racially, you are the same Slavs from the same great migration in the Ukraine, the only thing that divides you is 'who' ruled you for the last 500 years, that is all. And quite honestly, if any of you can remember that for 50 years you lived as neighbours you may have a chance to reclaim your respect in the World. Yes, poor Yugoslavia, and poor all of you. My sympathies. Alan

Anonymous said...

It's so sad thing to read about those Muslim fanatics that sold out their Christian faith. You will probably sell your soul to Al quaida and will be deported back to Banjaluka, so you better respect Serbs and other christian nations.

Anonymous said...

Dolazite ovamo poslije 10 godina,trosite svoje eure koje ste zaradili kao crnci po rudnicima troseci svoje eure tim ponizavate nas koji smo ostali ovdje.Jednostavno kratko i jasno GDJE STE BILI VI,TADA KAD JE BILO NAJTEZE.POZDRAV IZ BANJA LUKE.PICKE DEZERTERSKE

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Ja se zovem PROLAZNIK znate samo ovako prodjem procitam koju pa idem dalje i vise se ne vracam na staro tako sam otisao davno iz Bosne pa se nikada nebih ni vratio na staro.(sada se trenutno nalazim u USA )Tako ovo mi je prvi i zadnji puta da otvorim ovu stranicu,pa kad sam vec tu da nesto i napisem pa da idem spavati.. Iz bosne sam izasao 1992 godine ..Kada je poceo rat jer sam bio ranjen.Od 1992g do 1999g sam zivio u Njemackoj gdje sam se ozenio i dobio dva sina nisam htjeo da se vracam u Bosnu pa sam produzio dalje I tako dosao ovdje gdje i danas zivim{sto bi nas svijet rekao"Na kraj svijeta",(to sto sam spomenuo nas svijet mislio sam na sve nacionalnosti u Bosni i Hercegovini)}.... OD 1999g zivim u Americi,jedina veza sa bosnom su mi roditelji,koji su prije rata bili radnici zivili i radili,odgajali svoju djecu, kao svaki ostali roditelji u bivsoj Yugi...Samo mi je zao sto su neki BOGATASI Funkcioneri politicari srusili mnoge zivote neduznih ljudi koji i nisu imali neke dobre zivote u toj bivsoj Yugi ali su imali svoju slobodu,, I danas ima puno zaslijepljenih koji bi opet isli u rat{Samo da se ovi danasnji politicari posvadjaju jer BUDZAMA(bogatasima) je lako da komanduju sa maloumnim mozgovima}i ubijali klali silovali,samo jedno ne mogu da svatim kako neko moze da radi takve zlocinacke stvari Kad i on kakav takav zlocinac mora da ima svoju Familiju svoje NAJMILIJE,Samo treba malo ukljuciti mozak ako ga i ima pa pomisliti na svoju Djecu ili ako nema djecu mora da ima svoje Roditelje koji su ga rodili i koji bi dali zivot svoj za njega..samo da kazem jos da svakom je svacije naj draze zato nikome ne cini zlo pa niko nece ni tebi,,ove recenice bi se trebali svi drzati.. Volim Bosnu i Hercegovinu i ZELIM SVE NAJ BOLJE NJENIM STANOVNICIMA I GRADJANIMA ....BosanskoHercegovacki narod treba prepustiti svojim strankama,politicarima,BOGATASIMA,VLADI sledeci RAT ako bi kojim slucajem trebalo doci do njega jer bolje da izgine koja stotina BOGATASA IZ STRANAKA I VLADE nego par stotina hiljada BOSANACA i HERCEGOVACA(svih religija).. Volim sve koji me vole i one koji me ne vole,,ZIVOT JE KRATAK I TREBA GA PROZIVJETI KAKO KO MOZE.... IMAM SVOJA DVA SINA I VOLIM IH VISE NEGO SVOJ ZIVOT...Gledam ih kako rastu dok ja starim.Znate takav je zivot kojeg mi svi zivimo, svako ostavi nesto posle svog zivota pa tako ce doci red na svakoga od nas.. Toliko od PROLAZNIKA...vise se ne vracam ovdje,ne vracam se na staro samo idem naprijed dok se moze.. Ne interesuju me ni od koga komentari.......

Anonymous said...

slusaj te papci BANJALUCANI nikadnisu pitali za vjeru samo dosljaci pozdrav svima iz MEJEANA iz BRISELA

Anonymous said...

zasto se niko ne zapita zasto srbi mrze muslimane i turke?! zato sto su srbi bili kmetovi a muslimani i turci feudalci jebali ima majke... zapravo svi ste vi iz muslimanske sperme nastali! i slobodno mrzite nas... barem je pickica vase majke bila slatka! pozdrav Sarajevo

Anonymous said...

pomoz BOG junaci,sto vi trosite svoje vrjemedragocjeno,na smrdljive turke,bas vas briga a njima,ali neka je njima jasno,dok je BOGA ili ti njihovog ALAHA,bice SRBA,PO CJELOM SVJETU.

Anonymous said...

Bledi's data are not corect concerning the etnnic composition of R.Macedonia.After all the interethic relations in a country are not determined only by the number of the majority and minority population,but by other factors as well.

Anonymous said...

nije tacno na makedoniji zivi 48.6% albanci 44.2* makedonci a drugi su majmanje Albanac od Makedonije Student Pravnog Fakulteta Tetovo

Anonymous said...

my name is arnold rice I am american from chicago I lived in the great city of osijek for five wonderful years I work and lived like every one else nothing special just a poor white boy from chicago that found a place called home I lived in a house at irliska 70a with my wife and kids osijek was very good place to have A family the people where wounderful to me and my family now I am divorced from my croation wife but I dream about returning to the great city one more time to stay forever thanks for listening yours truly arnold

Anonymous said...

i have just had the honour of meeting my baba's sister for the first time . she is from osijek and this is a little of the life. my baba came to canada many years ago and had a beautiful family here but left her country without her identical twin sister. well 58 years later my baba's sister descides to come to canada with my cousin mija it was a wonderful meeting but only one problem my baba had passed away mothers day weekend it is a very sad time here in sudbury ontario for my family but also a rememberable one because we all had a chance to visit with some one who shared a piece of my baba who we could call baba and we could stay in contact with to bring our family closer together here i toast to osijek the city of beautiful history and beautiful people koke AT

Anonymous said...

I was 4 when the war broke out in Vukovar. My mother was a Serb, and father was a Croat. He was killed in 1991, because he was a police men. After the war, we returned to Vukovar,but we were descriminated against,because our father was a Croat. And later on, the same thing happened, except now it was the Croats who didn't like us, because our mother was a Serb. So prety much i don't belong to any side. And the worst part is, I was just a little kid, i didnt even know who is who. Nor did it matter to me. I was a victim.

Anonymous said...

I'm a member of the Belgian military, and in that function I had some assignments with the UN. I had 3 missions (1993, 1995 and 1996) in the region of Vukovar. My first meeting with Vukovar made me speechless. I was shocked by the destruction that the war had brought. The city looked like a ghost town. When at dusk I saw fires and lights in the ruins I realized people still lived in this city. I shall never forget this image. I admire the people of Vukovar for their perseverance and the effort they made to create livable houses out of the ruins. I was shocked to see the people, not having enough money or having to do barter trade. Farmers let their houses be repaired for a pig. Bread was swapped for chickens or ducks. People who had money could get anything on the black market. Money was losing its value everyday and dollars or desutschmarks were in high demand as they retained their value. Everyone tried to get some money by selling items (stolen or not). The average monthly income for a laborer was, in 1993, 25 DM. Criminality was blooming. Theft, smuggling and fraud were everyday occurrences. The population was mostly hospitable and shared all they had, even with us, the military of UNPROFOR. The people were very creative and tried to restore everything, even with parts from different machines or recuperated materials. Even with all the sorrow and misery these people had known, they tried to work on their future. They married, had children, tried to put a roof over their heads. Traditions were honored and regularly there was a party or celebration. I noticed upon my later missions to Vukovar that standards of living were improving and the economy was recovering. Houses were repaired, cars were driving about and people where wearing better clothes. Seeing the images of Vukovar, I'm glad the black period that started in '91 is (finally) over and people are living in peace once again. I'll always remember VUKOVAR.

Anonymous said...

My name is Marija I was a four year old girl when the war started in Vukovar. My brother was sleeping in our car while my dad was in our cron feild. A tank came strolling down the road pointed directly at our car. My brother was still sleeping, the tank began to crush the back of the car my brother noticed and jumped out of the window hiding from the soldiers. This was our first meeting with the Serbian soldiers. My mother died 7 months before the war began so i was left with my father and my older brother. My younger sister was with my grandmother in a Serbian village. My dad could not get access to her because the Serbs were firing towards our village of Ilaca and the Croats were firing back. My dad went to our house to get some supplies and clothes for us. He was inside the house when a grenade hit the upper level of the house. Thankfully the house didn't collapse. We went to stay in a town called Otok. We thought it would safe and that the Serbs wouldn't come that far. We were wrong. We (my dad my brother and i) were arriving back from a shopping a trip when we noticed a plane flying up ahead. My dad was exiting the car on the left side and we exited the car on the right side. The plane began to fire at us. My brother and i were given cover cover by the car but my father was hit 3 times in the back, once in the vein of his leg and once in his arm. Thankfully he is alive. Nobody would take us to the hospital becuase people figured he would die. Luckily a man came by in his car and saw my dad with my brother and me. We were taken to hospital far away from the fighting. It was a long battle to have my sister removed from the Serbian village. my dad wasn't granted access to Vukovar to get her so my grandmother had to travel through Serbia to the Hungarian border to drop her off. We now live in Australia, and still dream of the day that we return to our home in Vukovar.

Anonymous said...

What to say to explain to you what happened? I am a soldier from Serbia: blood, death, dung, violence, fear, madness, stench from decomposed bodies which are opened so that precious organs can be taken out of the brief, brother westerners, you have done that to us. We are all the same victim: Serbs, Croats and Muslims.....and many others who are in the end only people regardless of religion

Anonymous said...

Hi! I am from Croatia and am fourteen years old. Last summer I went to Vukovar for the first time. When I got off the bus, I wanted to cry. It was very sad. The ruins, those sad people... However, after I few hours, I saw that Vukovar has a beautiful side too.That wonderful Danube, and its amazing color...But it seems that those people don't understand that they have something so beautiful. The war made them into beasts. They only want to know where you come from, and if you have any connection to the Serbs...On the other hand, I understand them.One girl, born in Vukovar, told me a horrific story, which is too long for me to tell here, and now I understand that the hatered is justified. Those Croats went through a lot only because they didn't want to admit to Serbism: they were beating them senseless, their loved ones were killed in front of their eyes...That was terror in its worst form. Horrible! And do you know what is even more sad? Today, you see those same people who killed your mother everywhere and everyday, you sit with them in the waiting room at the doctor's office...That is why it is so sad. If you had a father who is a Serb and a mother who is a Croat, you had even more problems. Both sides persecuted you. And they still persecute you.

Anonymous said...

I see there are a lot of people who are young and immature. Pathetic creatures. In this war the victims are: Serbs as well as Croats, Hungarians, Muslims, Ruthenians...only miserable and stupid (innocent) folk who had to fight again because of some idiots who managed that miserable country. And you, little girl who posted before me, obviously listen to only one side. Listen a little bit better, and be realistic: there were killings on all sides, because it had to be that way, there was no other choice. I am from Borovo. I was born in Vukovar. I am grateful to God that I left that dead city. MOST LIKELY, I WILL NEVER GO BACK BECAUSE NOBODY IS WAITING FOR ME THERE. YES, LITTLE 14 YEAR OLD GIRL, UNFORTUNATELY PEOPLE MUST LIVE NEXT TO EACH OTHER BECAUSE THEY HAVE NO OTHER CHOICE, NEITHER PARTY HAS IT. AND HATRED STAYED WITH THEM. THIS HATRED WILL NOT BE ERASED FOR CENTURIES TO COME. IT WILL BE ERASED ONLY FOR A SECOND, AND THEN IT WILL BE AWAKENED AGAIN WITH A NEW GENERATION WITH EVEN BIGGER HATRED THAT WILL RESULT IN EVEN BIGGER CATASTROPHE. UNFORTUNATELY, LITTLE GIRL. SO BE QUIET AND DON’T SLOBBER. YOU ARE STILL GREEN.

Anonymous said...

Hello! Im a slovak soldier a I have been i Vukovar as a member of SLOVENGBAT of UNTAES mission. I know Vukovar very well because I have spent 11 months there. My job was mineclearing " razminiranje" I cleared the cemetry, market, the towns green places and Donau river banks and I also took part in mass grave opening in Ovcara. I am still very sad that people of two slavic nations vere so cruel of each other. WE Slovaks, Serbs, Russians, Croats, Slovenians and other slavics are brothers we got common roots. So I could not understand that war, when few foolish politicians fanatized so kind and nice people like you in former yugoslavia are.

Anonymous said...

My name is NOBODY. I'm from Novi Sad and I was serbian soldier in year 1991. I yust want to say that because Milosevic many our serbian brothers where killed for stupid reason- Velika SRBIJA!! Nema ti bre Velike Srbije; ne smeš, jednostavno nije u redu klat, ubijat nevinu decu ( u ovom slucaju- Hrvate) radi tobožnjeg ''ustaško-hadezeovske separacije; svaki narod ima prava na slobodu- bez obzira radi li se o Srbima, Bosancima, Hrvatima, Kinezima, Eskimima ili šta ja bre više znam. Ustaše su nestale '45. a vidim da cetnika još ima. Trebamo jedni drugima pružiti ruku mira i odjebati više ustaše, Pavelica, Mihajlovica, evo svake godine idem kevi u Beograd a imam i prijatelje u Vinkovcima, s njima se vidam kad god mogu- teško je , nema para ali mora se živeti. Lepi pozdrav svim ljudima dobre volje! By SERBIAN IN PEACE

Anonymous said...

The Serbian race is sick, demented, primitive, and obsceneley supersticious and xenophobic. It is led by maniacal and power hungry mass murderers who can only prey on the weak and unarmed, while playing the victim to naive media and relying on old English and French alliances to promote their cause. What the Serbs did to Vukovar, they did to Sarajevo or Srebrenica or Gorazde and would do it to any other town in the name of what? Pride, honour, civility? No, just simply to dominate, rob, murder, demean, rape and pillage those that are weaker than they are so they can enslave them. The Serbs are collectivley guilty for killing and destroying civilizations in Croatia, Bosnia, and Kosovo. It was their primitive villagers and "nation" of people who collectively worked together to murder, rape, steal, and destroy supported by their highest politicians and clergy. They are a disgusting race and have proven how much they hate their neighbours. Ovcara or any one of the thousands of mass graves throughout former Yugoslavia is testament to this. The Serbs deserve nothing in Croatia and Croatia owes them nothing. It is a shame that the Croatian Army did not militarily take East Slavonia and wipe out every Chetnik in the area so that they could not inhabit that land that has given them what they have. Go to Serbia and let it feed you. Vukovar was, is and always be Croatian and the Serbs in that town will always be strangers in a foreign land.

Anonymous said...

The reason the JNA even came to Vukovar was because the croats killed innocent civilians with a serb background. And so it all began... The croats have them self to blame.

Anonymous said...

this is to the racist moron who worte the msg that vukovar is a serb city. on 27 jan 2005, vukovar is was and will b a cro city take a look on the atlas u racist calling us ustase! izivinite vi..... sto je pisao ovo: "Date: 27 Jan 2005 Story picka vam materina ustaska to je srpski grad" Vukovar NIKAD nije bio srpski grad!!! jesi li ti budala i neznas da citas atlas? vukovar je bio u hrvatskoj i jos je tamo i tu ce i biti!gledaj gde je granica!!!!!!!! ja bi jos bila u vukovaru i mja familija i komsije i prijatelji i svi ostali ljudi sto su prezivili taj glupavi rat....ali zbog rata i zbog budale kao ti nismo tamo. ja sam iz mesane familije i sto se mene tice neka se svi slazu. moraju opet da zive zajedno! nemoj ni slucajno da neka budala kaze da je vukovar srpski grad!

Anonymous said...

Toliko krvi i suza a za nista.I opet ce za koju godinu izbiti jos krvaviji rat,ljudi ce ginuti na sve strane a politicari ce nam djelit zemlje.Za koga smo ginuli?

Anonymous said...

Croat , Serb , Muslim no differance ,you are all the sons and daughters of Turks. Forgive and forget or else it will happen again.

Anonymous said...

I agree with NOBODY who posted a few posts back. We need to forget the past this way the Balkans will progress. I have noticed Bosnians, Serbs and Croats live in the past. We'll it needs to be forgotten but you don't have to forgive. This way when a foriegn person reads this they can see what imbeciles our former nation is, so show them better!

Anonymous said...

vukovar ce ostati srpski mater vam jebem ustasku,muslimansku

Anonymous said...

'vukovar ce ostati srpski mater vam jebem ustasku,muslimansku' a jeli kreten sto kazes takve glupe stvari? Kad se dodes u Vukovar ne pise 'Srpski grad' nego 'Vukovar' znaci da to je grad sa svima. I da znas ja nisam hrvat ni musliman nego tvoj srbin i da znas da si budala.

Anonymous said...

nisam ti ja budala brate znam ocemu ja pricam

Anonymous said...

Ako znas sta pricajs jel onda sve bolje da se nesvade i da se sve zivi u miru a da se svi slazu? Tako meni isgleda najbolje, a ako ti kazes drugacije onda si cetnik.

Anonymous said...

ma sto za srba u hrvatskoj? ovi ljudi,ma koju ljudi, to nisu ljudi,to su neka stvorenja iz EUROPE ,nama govore da jadni srbi. pa picka vam materina,niko ne zna sto su radili? ko je tija pomoci? di je bija un,unprofor? DI JE BIJA NATO? zato nemojte pisati sranja,i drzite se svojih jebenih zemalja. cast iznimkama

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